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Amory opens the box and looks at the diamond ring inside. It’s a simple ring. Natalie always liked simple jewelry, and that’s what Amory got for her because she wanted her to wear it for a long time. But she never got the chance to wear it.

Amory doesn’t know how long the affair lasted. Sometimes the curious and self-destructive part of her brain wants to know how long Natalie was sleeping with Dr. Gold, and if she was even the only one.

Amory looks at the ring and looks around her bedroom, where the window is open, letting a slight breeze through. She remembers carrying the ring around in her pocket, waiting for the perfect moment. She had planned a date with the two of them at the park where they had their first date. It wasn’t elaborate or anything, but it was sentimental, and Amory was always a sentimental person.

She thought Natalie was, too. But, clearly, she wasn’t sentimental enough to be faithful.

Amory’s sadness at what Natalie did morphs to anger. After all, how dare she cheat on her, throw away their life together and betray her like that. How dare she cheat on her with her rival, someone she had complained to Natalie about countless times. Natalie knew how much Amory and Dr. Gold didn’t get along, yet she chose Dr. Gold of all people on the planet to sleep with. It wasn’t fucking fair. Nothing about that situation was fair or okay, and Amory boils in anger thinking about it.

She looks at the ring and grows angrier. She wants nothing more than to destroy the memories of Natalie, to forget her once and for all, but she can’t. So, she does the next best thing, she gets rid of the ring.

In a fit of anger and hurt, she throws the ring out of her bedroom window and watches as it flies outside, never to be seen again.

Amory looks at her phone and sighs. She’s been ignoring the buzzing while looking at the ring and she can’t ignore the buzzing anymore.

Mom: Don’t forget your laptop

Mom: And bring a book for the airport

Mom: You got all of your vaccines, right?

Mom: Wait, you told me before you did. Never mind.

Mom: What are you eating for supper?

Mom: Do you want me to come over?

Mom: It’ll be a while before I see you again.

Mom: Amory?

Mom: Amory?

Mom: Call me when you see this

Amory: Sorry. I was packing. I’ll call you later.

Mom: Okay

Amory: But yeah, you can come over.

Mom: Be there in an hour

Amory sighs and looks at her open window. She sits on her floor for a moment before she stands up and walks to her kitchen. She starts to clear her dining room table of all the pamphlets and papers.

When her mom shows up, she brings groceries, dropping them on the floor to give her only child a big hug.

“Hi Mom,” Amory greets her mom, Kara.

“Hi darling! Do you want to help me make supper?”

“Of course,” Amory says, “just let me finish the dishes real quick.”

“I’ll help you,” Kara tells her. “And then we can get started on food. Who knows when the next time you’ll have a good, home-cooked meal will be.”

“I’m sure it won’t be long,” Amory says. “I can cook myself, you know.”

Kara laughs. “No, you can’t.”

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