Page 8 of Lip Service

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But I hate showing emotions, especially to someone like Hunter, so I break away from his touch. “Um…Thanks for that.”

“No problem.” He stuffs his hands into the pockets of his slacks, playing the part of the cool guy. “He was an ex?”

“He’s in the past.” I bow my head. “And that’s all that matters.”

He just studies me, like he’s thinking before speaking for once.

“What?” I groan.

“Nothing.” He shakes his head with a light chuckle. “It’s just nice to know that somewhere deep down in the vast reaches of your dark soul, you have a heart.”

“Funny,” I scoff, just as I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I retrieve the phone and it’s a message from Eve, the receptionist at the tattoo shop where I work. Someone showed up needing a tattoo repair, is basically hysterical, and is willing to pay big bucks for me to come back early from lunch for a consultation. In fact, it’s such an exorbitant amount that there’s no way I can turn it down. Chad got a full scholarship for college, but I still try to give him extra spending money, plus I’m saving to open my own tattoo shop one day. “Shit,” I grumble and come to a dead stop on the sidewalk. “I’m going to have to postpone this meeting.”

“Seriously?” He arches one brow and turns to me. “You made me walk all the way down here.”

“Relax. We’ve gone two blocks.”

“What’s so important that you’re just going to run off?”

“I know you might not get what I’m about to say, but some of us have to work for a living.” I know he works for a living—his job is the whole reason I came to see him—but with his fancy apartment and car, he obviously has enough money he could probably be retired by now. I shove my phone back into my pocket. “I have a client needing a tattoo repair done ASAP.”

“You’re a tattoo artist?” He nods. “Yeah, I guess that makes sense since you like inflicting pain.”

“Stop it.” I shoot daggers with my eyes. “When is a good time to meet again?”

“Anxious, are we?”

“Anxious for you to convince me why I should trust you with my brother’s future. If you fail to do that, you’re going to leave my brother alone.” It’s not a question. It’s a demand.

“Hell no.” He leans against the brick building beside us, and crosses his arm. “In the end, it’s your brother’s decision. But at least you can say you earned your disdain for me legitimately.” He pauses briefly, his eyes studying me. “Isn’t there any part of you that’s afraid you might be wrong?”

There is. Despite his good looks and cocky attitude, I have done my research, and my research tells me Chad should be thanking his lucky stars that Kiss Talent Agency and Hunter Kiss specifically are interested in signing him. But it’s going to take more than hearsay to convince me. “Look, let’s just see what happens, okay?”

“So long as you don’t hurt me again. But what am I worried about? Once you get to know me better, you’re going to love me.”

I just shake my head. “My God, you’re arrogant.”

“I’m also right. Just you wait and see.”

I narrow my eyes. “Really? You’re that convinced?”


His sheer arrogance has me looking him over for any sign of weakness but all I notice is how scrumptious and clean-cut he looks. No piercings. No tattoos anywhere on his body (which I know because I have seen all of his body, thank you Lord). Almost everyone I know has at least one tattoo (except for Chad, who’s afraid of needles), and since Hunter’s skin is virgin-pure I smile wickedly. “How about we place a little bet then? Just for fun?”

He has the good sense to look cautious. “What kind of bet?”

“If after our talk you haven’t won me over to the degree I give my brother the thumbs up to sign with you…” I snicker, thinking about all the possibilities. “You have to let me tattoo something on you. My choice.”

“What?” He jerks back away from the wall. “What do you think I am, crazy?”

“You doubting your powers to win me over?” I taunt, taking a step toward him.

“I’m doubting the sanity of a woman who comes to a man’s apartment, throws a phone at him, then pinches his ear,” he shoots back.

“Okay fine. I’ll let you approve the design. How about that?”

“No. Why mar something that’s already perfect, right?”

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