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Chapter Twenty


Anything to get him to shut up. Anything to make me shut up too. There were so many things on the edge of my tongue and I had to stop them from being spit out. I had to shut myself up and this was the easiest way I knew how to do that. It’s the only way I know how. It gives me more time to think about what I want to do—what I need to do.

Hunter pulls away and immediately lowers his mouth to my neck. Pinning me against the wall with his weight, he’s able to free one hand to tangle in my hair as he nibbles my ear.

My fingers dig into the fabric of his shirt, craving the muscular flesh underneath. But the way he pulls my hair screams more than words, it screams that he’s just as frustrated as I am right now, and I can’t blame him.

I shudder against his touch and push him back enough so that he drops me to my feet. I throw a palm against his chest, pushing him all the way back against the opposite wall. He lands with a thud, and I must admit I love being in control like this, especially at a time like this when my mind is going haywire with uncomfortable truths that neither of us are ready to say out loud just yet.

I reach for the top of his slacks and rip his shirt out from underneath before making quick work of his belt, sliding it through the loops and tossing it to the floor. Before he’s able to process what’s going on, his pants are around his ankles with his underwear and I’m stroking his long shaft with soft hands.

He shudders, throws his head back against the wall as I wrap my palm around his hot, throbbing hardness, leaking wetness from the tip. He reaches down to unbutton his shirt, then rips it down his shoulders so that he’s wearing nothing but a t-shirt and I’m still fully dressed. It’s quite the role reversal, but neither of us seem to mind.

I stroke him a few more times before pulling on his cock, gesturing for him to move. I move backwards, guiding him toward the bedroom. Once inside, I pull him to the edge of the bed as I take a seat. And just when he thinks he’s about to get something more—my mouth wrapped around his cock, perhaps, I tug on him hard enough to pull him down onto the bed, and force him onto his back.

His hands trail to my hips as I climb on top of him, my skirt draped on either side of his body as my hands slide underneath his white tee. I want to tease him until he’s screaming, until he’s telling me exactly what he wants. I buck my hips against his hardness, my thin panties rubbing across his flesh creating an unbearable tension.

His fingers tangle around my underwear, and he rips at them but they don’t give way.

“Fuck,” he cries out and shifts his hips upward, trying to steal more friction. “Take those off.”

“Why?” I question, my voice breathy and cracking.

“You know exactly why?”

“Yeah?” I tease and bow over him so that I bore into his eyes with mine. They’re feral and ready, wanting, needing, craving. There’s an animal inside of him. There’s an animal inside me too. An animal who wants nothing more than to run, but right now, I can’t. I need this last fix, because just maybe it’ll change my mind. Maybe it’ll change his too.

I push my hands upward underneath his shirt, forcing it to bunch at his shoulders. He reaches behind him and tugs his shirt off in one go.

I just about lose all my senses, just about lose any control I have over him, staring down at his impossibly muscular chest and abs with the most beautiful ridges I’ve ever seen. I buck harder against his cock, until it’s too much for him.

He rips at my panties once more and succeeds in tearing them at one side, just enough so that he can push the remnants of them to one side, and the next time I buck against him, my bare vulnerable cunt caresses against his silky yet steel cock.

He finagles one hand between the two of us and strokes at his cock, lines it up against my opening, and with one upward shift of his hips, he guides his way in.

I let him have all of me, sinking down onto his shaft as slowly as I can until he’s balls deep inside me. Just when he’s about to begin thrusting, I sink down on him further still, using the weight of my body to hold him in place.

But he’s too strong for me and manages to stir from beneath, pushing into me, pulling out of me with short, shallow thrusts that somehow still make me almost go blind. It’s the best cock I’ve ever had, but I know a big part of thinking that is because we’re connected in a way that goes beyond the physical.

I brace both hands against his chest as I begin to ride him faster, harder, allowing him to thrust deeper into me. It’s a battle for control as I fight to set the pace, but he’s too far gone beneath me, too far down the rabbit hole of lust and he’s not going to let me have my way with him.

He thrusts upwards one more time, before using his strong hands to flip me over onto my back. His cock slips free. At first, I think it’s an accident. But not quite.

“What are you doing?” I question, gravel in my throat.

“I want to see every part of you,” he growls as he pulls my skirt down my legs, and does the same with the remaining fabric of my panties. I sit up in bed and rip my shirt over my head, because more than anything I need him back inside me.

He wastes no time doing just that, crawls back over my body and thrusts into me in one sharp, long motion. I let out a yelp, a moan, a scream as he drives into me over and over again, his eyes locked with mine as he fucks me into insanity.

He rises to his knees then tugs on my body, pulling me closer to him, throwing each of my legs over his shoulders for deeper access. That’s when I know for certain I’ve lost control. He drives his cock into me with reckless abandon, his pelvis slapping against mine and I pray that everyone downstairs has already gone home because there’s no way they wouldn’t hear what’s going on up here.

Closer and closer, I find myself hurtling toward a chaotic climax, no longer able to control the moans that are being thrown from my throat. He gets off on being able to make me scream, and I get off on making him sweat.

Beads of sweat trickle down his flushed cheeks as he tightens his grip on my legs. He’s wearing down, but he’s not going to stop until he’s finished with me. The muscles, the grooves in his chest and abs contract as he fucks me harder, deeper.

My toes curl against his shoulders as I break, coming around his hard, thick cock. I’ve never been so loud in my life, never been so loud in bed, but I can’t help it. Can’t shut my mouth, even if my life depended on it. My entire being convulses as I ride out the waves of pleasure.
