Page 5 of Lip Service

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“It’s an obvious risk, yes, but it’s a risk he has to take. Your brother is going to be the greatest quarterback in the League. There is a small window of time open for him. The longer he waits to play, the less successful he’s going to be. Talk about no guarantees in life. He could get hurt walking down the street, lose his scholarship and never have a shot at anything. Right now he has a chance to fulfill his dreams and make a ton of money in the process. Not many people get that chance. He can always finish college later. Don’t you want what’s best for your brother?”

“Of course I do, you bastard. It’s why I’m here.”

“You’re not a pleasant person.”

“Pot meet kettle.”

“Pot came to kettle’s door and hit him with a phone. But I have to admit, the memory is actually starting to turn me on more than piss me off. Have any more pent up aggression you want to get out? Because I can think of a few things that would be far more pleasurable for both of us.”

“I’m sorry,” she coos, mocking me. “But since I’m obviously not your type, let’s not waste our time.”

“You have no idea what my type is.”

“Amy. Amy is your type. Not a fat chick with pink highlights, piercings, and tattoos.”

I scowl. “Fat?” I look her up and down, taking in every curve. Sexy yes, but not fat. “You’re not fat.” I shake my head.

She snorts.

I narrow my eyes, for some reason, determined to convince her of my sincerity. She’s much shorter than me, so I have to crouch to meet her at eye-level. She’s right about one thing, she’s definitely not my usual type.

But maybe I could use a new type. I tilt my head slightly.

“You’re gorgeous. Crazy, yes, but gorgeous and your body rocks.” I can’t help but give her the once over again. “Plus, Amy’s gone. You’re still here, despite trying to do me bodily harm. What does that tell you about my type?”

She averts her eyes before finally murmuring, “That you’re a sadist.”

“Maybe if you’re the one holding the crop. What do you say? I’ve got one you can try out.”

She makes a sound like she’s holding in a scream.

I’m not going to lie, this banter is incredibly entertaining. There’s something about this girl that just sets me off, in more ways than one.

“You think you’re funny.” She steps up and points a finger at my chest, which I quickly grab before she can poke me.

“I didn’t make it this far in life by being a—”

Violently, she pulls her finger out of my grip. “You have no regard for others, so how the hell am I supposed to trust you with my brother?” She pauses as if she’s waiting for me to say something, to say anything, but for once I’m content to let her spiel her bullshit.

“I came here on a mission. To get you to talk to me. But running into that poor girl downstairs, who was in hysterics as she stumbled out of the elevator, that enraged me. And that’s why I threw the phone instead of handing it to you. Because I wanted to kick your ass, for that crying girl downstairs and for every other girl you’ve ever been a complete dick to.”

“Because men have been dicks to you?”

“Yes! You know the only man who hasn’t been a dick to me? My brother.” She paces away from me. I’m watching her carefully in case she decides to pick up something and fling it at my head, when suddenly her shoulders slump. Looking as if she can barely stand anymore, she sits on my couch and drops her face in her hands. “I just don’t like this,” she groans. “I don’t like the idea of my brother foregoing college for this pro football bullshit. He can get hurt, be paralyzed!”

I sit beside her and place a hand on her shoulder. “Look, I understand your concerns. But your brother has talent, and this is his shot at making it big. It’s not tomorrow, or in a few years. It is now.”

“But what if it’s a mistake? What if it ruins his future? Sure football helped him with college, but he’s so much more than just a football player.”

Every drop of concern for her brother is genuine. This isn’t about her, it’s about someone she loves. I haven’t run across someone so selfless in a long time. I can’t just push away and ignore her concerns. According to Trish, this woman has substantial influence on her brother. The promise of fame and money obviously isn’t swaying her, so I need to do my job and find out what it’s going to take to seal this deal. “Look, you don’t want to eat breakfast, fine. Let’s go get lunch or something, and I’ll explain why I think this is best for your brother.”

She hesitates, but the fear and animosity that had been radiating from her in spades seems to be dwindling.

“This could change Chad’s life in the best way,” I press. “This opportunity is huge, and I think you at least owe it to your brother to hear me out.”

She bites her lip, then finally nods. “Okay, we’ll talk. But lunch has to be within walking distance because I rode my motorcycle.”

“I don’t know why that surprises me.” Nothing should surprise me when it comes to her. “It’s okay though, I can drive.”

“Let me guess,” she says with a smirk. “You drive a Porsche?”

I can’t help but crack a wicked grin. “A Cayman.”

She smiles tightly. “We’re walking.”

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