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Lucy and Jamie fell into each other’s arms and into the bed as soon as they got back to the room. As they lay on top of the down comforter, kissing and licking and sucking on each other’s lips, Lucy looked into Jamie’s eyes. Holding his face in her hands she said, “I think we can make this work.”

In a voice that was already heavy from shortened breaths, Jamie said, “I’m willing to do whatever it takes to make it work and make you completely believe it. I can’t imagine a life without you in it, Lucy.”

“I feel the same way,” she told him. She sucked his bottom lip into her mouth and ran her tongue along it, tasting him, loving the way it felt to just lie in his arms, finally saying the words that were so hard to say but meant so much out in the open. “I love you.”

Their kissing led to heavy petting. Clothes began coming off and were thrown to the floor. Jamie’s cock throbbed and jerked as Lucy reached down and wrapped her hand around it, stroking it lightly. She put her lips to his ear and said, “No teasing or extended foreplay today, okay? Just you inside me. I need you to fill me up.”

Jamie climbed on top of her, holding his weight off her with his arms. Lucy clung to his biceps as he slipped slowly inside of her. She was already soaking wet.

“I love you, sweet thing.” He moved in and out of her, everything fitting and flowing just right. If there was ever such a thing as perfection, this was it.

With each thrust of his hips, Lucy squeezed his cock tightly with her internal muscles. Their hearts were racing, and every time his rhythm increased, she matched it perfectly.

They made love that way, slow and gentle, professing their love for each other over and over again. They caressed one another, riding the wave of mind-blowing pleasure until finally Jamie exploded inside of her. Lucy’s body shook and quaked with her own release and at last they collapsed into a sweaty tangled pile of arms and legs.

Words couldn’t capture or express what she was feeling at that moment. Instead of speaking, she burrowed closer to him. They lay there together, getting their breathing under control and feeling each other’s hearts beat.

* * *

Lucy and Jamie spent the rest of the weekend exploring the town, sitting in the hot tub and overall having a great time. Monday morning came and after a hearty breakfast at the inn, Jamie met with the town council while Lucy had coffee in the courtyard.

There seemed to be quite a bit of press accumulating, but that seemed par for the course, given the situation. She was sending a text to Grace and didn’t notice reporters surrounded her until one of them said, “Miss Conrad, John Stuben of the Los Angeles Tribune. Do you have any comment?”

Lucy looked up at him, confused. “Comment on what?” she said.

“The photos that were released this morning by the Golden Enquirer.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Lucy said.

The reporter handed a copy to Lucy and she glanced at it.

She gasped, horrified at what she was seeing.

The other reporters and cameramen were snapping photos and yelling questions. There were at least six of them now. Lucy felt light-headed and she thought she was going to throw up, right there in front of these people. She swallowed the bile down, not wanting to give them the satisfaction. Looking at the reporter who’d given her the paper, she said, “I have no comment.”

She pushed her way through the reporters, and instead of going back into the courthouse, she headed for the inn. The whole way there, she cursed herself for being the coward Jamie had said she was.

* * *

Jamie discovered that Garrett, the man he’d met at the baseball game, was the chairman of the town council. The meeting didn’t take long. Jamie told them of the company’s offer to help repair the damage committed by the previous company’s waste system. When Garrett asked what Whitcomb Enterprises wanted in return, Jamie simply said, “We hope you’ll view our efforts as a genuine desire to help this town. Afterwards, if Summitville wishes to do business with us, we can talk. But we won’t be asking for anything in return.”

Garrett and the council seemed stunned by Jamie’s offer and as expected had several questions. Jamie patiently answered them. Then, after shaking hands with every person in the room, Jamie left to find Lucy.

As soon as he got outside, he was confronted by the press.

When he got the gist of what they were saying, he almost panicked. But he managed to stay cool in order to deal with the reporters.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about, and I have no comment,” he told them. As he started to walk away one of the female reporters held a copy of the Golden Enquirer out in front of him. Across the front were the words: Jamie Whitcomb, heir to the Whitcomb fortune, engaged to marry a stripper? Underneath there was a picture of Lucy in her bra, backstage at the nightclub, talking to Jamie.

He remembered when she’d torn off her wig and mask in her anger after he’d carried her off the stage at Divine.

Apparently someone had taken her picture, but who?

There were more pictures, as well; several photos of Lucy completely bare-breasted as she gyrated against a pole on stage.

He knew immediately the pictures had been altered. His friends had told him Lucy hadn’t returned to strip after he’d carried her off the stage. But it didn’t matter if the photos were fake. Everyone would think they were real.

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