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“My condolences on the loss of your sister and brother-in-law.”

“Thank you,” Lucy said. “How did you know them?”

“I was a business colleague of Mason and his family. Poor Mason. He loved Gail to pieces. Always said she was a true class act.” He scanned her, his gaze flitting up and down, as if taking her measure. His gaze rested on her dangling earrings, and for a brief moment, a sardonic grin crossed his face.

“Well, that she was,” she said. “Gail was perfect.” She looked down at her meal and tried to focus on putting one bite of food into her mouth at a time. When she heard a snicker, she looked up and saw David whispering to Gretchen. They were both looking right at her.

She could tell immediately by the unease that flickered across Gretchen’s face that David was saying some less than complimentary things.

She forced herself to smile and stood. “Excuse me.” She walked toward Jamie, who looked at her and frowned, as if he could tell immediately she was upset. His gaze honed in on her empty seat and then on the couple who sat across from her. As she tried to slip by him, he put his hand on her arm. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” she said brightly.

“Lucy…” he said, but she could tell he didn’t want to get into it when others might overhear them.

She stood on tiptoe and gave him a light kiss. “I’m okay. Honest. I just need to go to the restroom.”

He cupped her cheek. “I’ll miss you. Hurry back.”

The warm feeling that had disappeared with David’s arrival was suddenly back big time.

“I will,” she said.

In the restroom, Lucy got herself together. So David was an ass. Big deal. There were assholes in all walks of life. She had to be fair and not judge Jamie and his family and friends just because one guy was a jerk.

When she returned to the table, dinner was coming to an end, and Brianne was flitting around the room, making jokes that made almost everyone laugh. David’s face got all disapproving at times, but this only served to egg Brianne on; it was obvious Lucy wasn’t the only one who found David to be a royal prick.

Brianne and Eric didn’t seem to spend much time together, which Lucy thought was odd, given it was the night before their wedding. Eric looked distracted, and at one point he was furiously texting on his phone. Brianne went over and said something to him. He looked angry and said something back. Instead of losing her cool, Brianne turned back to her guests, smiling and joking again, but this time with a decided edge of desperation.

Lucy turned to look at Jamie, wondering if he’d noticed, but he was looking straight at her. She saw him turn to his father and mother and excuse himself, then he came over to her. Bending down to talk in her ear, he said, “What do you say we get out of here and take a walk on the beach? Then I can tuck you into bed.”

“Tuck me in, huh?” she whispered.

“Among other things,” he whispered back.

The tingling in the core of her belly told her the night was just beginning.

* * *

Fifteen minutes later, Jamie and Lucy stood next to the massive bed in their suite. He leaned down until his mouth hovered a few inches from hers. His breath puffed against her lips and she moaned and closed her eyes, wanting nothing more than to feel his crushing kiss. When he kissed her, however, he did it by trailing his lips along the underside of her jaw. She moaned again, this time with an edge of desperation that he couldn’t possibly miss.

His mouth covered hers, skilled and firm. His tongue pierced inside with no hesitation, tangling with hers. She immediately slid her hands up to his shoulders and pulled him against her, relishing the feel of his hard, muscled chest against her aching breasts. Then she sucked on his tongue, even as she imagined another part of her body wrapped tight around another part of his. He groaned, and as he reached down and cupped her ass with rough hands, he pushed his hips into hers. He worked her against him, giving her no choice but to feel the steel-hard length of him.

As if there was anything in the world she wanted more in that moment.

But actually there was. She discovered that when he moved one hand up her ribcage and to her breast, gently engulfing her in his big palm and squeezing. Her eyes closed at how good it felt and she arched her body closer, silently asking him for more. For something.

His fingers on her nipples.

His mouth sucking her deep.

Her clothes off…

Her eyes flew open as he quickly unzipped her dress, pushed it off her so that it pooled onto the floor, and then he pulled the cup of her bra down. He flicked her nipple once, twice, before squeezing it between his thumb and forefinger. The heat already coursing through her exploded into an inferno. An intense ache pulsed between her legs, making her feel empty. She ripped her mouth away from his even as she writhed against him. “Please,” she whimpered. “I want your mouth.” Part of her knew she wasn’t making sense; he’d just been kissing her, and she wanted him to kiss her again, but she also wanted his mouth on other parts of her.

“You’ve got my mouth.” He buried his face in her neck, sucking below her ear and then trailing his lips down to the sensitive spot where her neck and shoulder merged. “And my teeth,” he whispered, an instant before he bit down gently on her fragile skin. She lolled her head to the side to give him greater access. His hips ground harder against hers, and for a second she stiffened as a pre-orgasmic ripple hit her. His dick rubbing between her legs, his fingers at her nipple, his mouth at her neck…all were enough to have her close to coming. All she had to do was imagine him shucking his clothes and pumping inside her and…

“No,” he growled. “Not yet.” He pushed her hips against his, forcing her to stop grinding against him, controlling her. Then he removed his fingers from her breast.

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