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Two days later, Lucy and Jamie had checked into their suite at the Hotel Del Coronado with just enough time to change before his sister’s rehearsal dinner. The day before, Lucy had her hair colored back to its original mahogany. Now, with her nose piercing removed and wearing a silly little cocktail dress that looked like something Reese Witherspoon wore in Legally Blonde, Lucy hesitated outside the restaurant. God, she was a nervous wreck. And not even because she felt out of place or because she was preparing to be sneered at—but because this was Jamie’s family, and she wanted them to like her, damn it.

Jamie put a hand on her shoulder, leaned down, and murmured in her ear. “You look beautiful, Luce, and I’m proud to be walking into that restaurant with you wearing my ring. My family will love you.”

She took a deep breath, tilted her chin up, and gamely said, “Of course they will. What’s not to like?”

He grinned and squeezed her shoulder. “There’s my girl.”

There’s his girl? The feminist in Lucy should have gone bonkers at that. Instead, she couldn’t deny his words made her feel all warm and syrupy inside.

Jamie took her by the hand and led her inside to a private dining area.

As they approached the long table with about twenty people around it, an older version of Jamie, his thick brown hair sprinkled with grey at the temples, stood up. He smiled brightly, making his face look even ten years younger.

“This has to be the lovely Lucy. I’m so pleased you were able to come. I’m Jamison Whitcomb, Jamie’s father.”

Jamison? She looked at Jamie with a cocked brow. “Are you Jamison Whitcomb the Third?”

“The Fourth,” he said with a sigh.

“I like it. Jamison.” Lucy turned and shook his father’s hand. “I’m so pleased your family included me in such an important event. Thank you for having me.”

“Thank you for coming. This is my wife, Jamie’s mother, Kathleen.” Jamie’s mother smiled and gave her a hug. She had platinum blond hair with subtle highlights, cut short but framing her small face stylishly. She had dark blue eyes that sparkled and were a perfect complement to her elegant blue and gray dress.

“Hello, Lucy. I’m so happy to meet you.” She shot a glance at Jamie. “I wish we’d gotten to meet you sooner, but according to Jamie, your romance was a bit of a whirlwind. But I knew when he fell in love with the one, it would happen that way. You’ve found yourself a wonderful man, if I do say so myself.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Lucy said. “Believe me, I know what a rare catch your son is. Thank you for having me.”

“It’s our pleasure, and how lovely you look. I love your earrings, dear.”

Lucy smiled and felt her heart expand. The earrings were the only part of the outfit that were truly her own. They were long dangling threads of silver with little opals in them. They were sexy and quirky, and the minute Lucy had seen them in a little boutique in Napa, she’d immediately loved them. “Thank you.”

“Brianne, come here and meet Lucy,” Jamie said.

Jamie’s sister’s hair was dark like Jamie’s; it fell across her shoulders in long, soft curls and she had the same big dark eyes as he did. She was dressed in a funky dress that Lucy loved. She came over immediately and gave her a warm hug.

“You and I will have to spend some time talking about my brother,” Brianne said. “I’m sure he’s told you all about what a gigantic nerd he was as a kid. Did he tell you he started his high school’s first-ever annual recycling drive?”

Lucy laughed. “No, but I’d love to hear all about it sometime.”

Jamie ignored his sister and moved on, introducing her to the groom, Eric, his best man, Gabe, and the other groomsmen, Ryan, Cole, and Luke. Lucy blushed furiously when she remembered they’d seen her partially strip on that stage in Vegas. Granted, she’d been wearing a mask and wig, but given how Jamie had carried her off stage, they had to know who she was. Stiffly, she waited for one or all of them to shoot her a leering grin or make some inappropriate comment.

It didn’t happen. They were friendly and polite and seemed genuinely happy to meet her.

So were the rest of the people at the table.

During dinner, Jamie’s mother made a point of asking Lucy about her job and how she liked living in northern California. His father included her in as many conversations as he could. Both were gracious, charming, and made her laugh.

At one point, Jamie excused himself to greet a friend. That’s when Jamie’s cousin Gretchen arrived late.

She and her husband David sat down across from Lucy. After Jamie’s parents introduced them, Gretchen smiled at her, but when David spoke, introducing himself as the head honcho of some computer company, he sounded like he had a giant stick shoved up his ass.

“Lucy Conrad,” she said. “College professor.”

He frowned, tapped his finger against the table, then pointed it at her. “Are you related to Gail Conrad Lancaster?”

The warm glow Lucy had been feeling immediately vanished. “Yes, I am.”

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