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“And you really think being engaged to you, even if they believe the engagement is real, will make a difference in the custody dispute?”

“Yes, because, although we both know they’re wrong about you, we also both know that it’s difficult for people to let go of preconceived notions about someone. From what you’ve told me, your parents and Mason’s parents are impressed by social standing. Respectability. That’s one thing my family has lots of. Being invited to Coronado Island as guests of a family who are multi-billionaires would impress the hell out of them—because it would impress their friends. It would mean they’d made it into the upper echelons. We make sure they’re given the best five-star accommodations and they’re treated like royalty while they’re there. We also make sure they see us together, see that you fit in with my family and my family’s lifestyle…and thus would fit into theirs.”

“I don’t know if I can do that,” she said. “I hate being fake, pretending to be something I’m not for the benefit of other people…”

“Of course you do. The fact that you’re comfortable in your own skin is one of the things I love most about you. But if pretending for a few days can get them to drop their objection to you getting custody of Milly…wouldn’t it be worth it?”

“Of course. But, Jamie, what would you get out of this?”

He almost said he didn’t want anything out of it. All he wanted, all he ever wanted, was for her to be happy and get what she wanted out of life. He wanted her, but that wasn’t what this was about. He would never resort to using something like this to gain her affections. The problem was, Lucy was always so suspicious and she wasn’t likely to believe that. He suddenly had another idea.

“Whitcomb Enterprises is trying to reopen what used to be an old automotive plant and turn it into a factory to produce airline parts that will literally revolutionize the way planes are made. The townspeople are a little suspicious of us. They’re not an affluent community, and they don’t trust easily.”

“So you’re suggesting I use you to get custody of my niece, and you use me to get poor people to like you?” she said.

Jamie shook his head. She could be the most stubborn, insolent woman he’d ever known sometimes.

“You wouldn’t be using me by accepting my help. And I don’t want you to help me win over people because they’re ‘poor’ but because they’re people who view me with suspicion because of my family’s bank account, and you know all about that. Whether you like it or not, you straddle both worlds, Lucy. You know what it would take to merge them.”

“But we’re just supposed to be friends.”

“We can be friends and still do this. I’m not requiring that you sleep with me in exchange for pretending that we’re engaged.” Of course, that didn’t mean he didn’t want to sleep with her. After their time together, he could barely think of anything else. But he wasn’t going to say or do anything that would make her feel that accepting his help was somehow dependent on her willingness to have sex with him.

She bit her lip. “I don’t know, Jamie.”

“What’s the matter?” he said. “Afraid that being around me will be too much temptation?”

When she didn’t deny it, he said, “Just say you’ll think about it.”

Lucy sighed and then she said, “Okay. I’ll think about it.” She looked at her watch. “I have to get back to the hotel and finish packing. I need to check out and get to the airport and…” She had a thoughtful look on her face.


She looked embarrassed. “Oh, nothing. I was just thinking, if I take you up on your offer, I have a few rings I don’t get a chance to wear too often. I can pretend one’s an engagement ring…”

The fact she was even thinking about wearing a faux engagement ring filled Jamie with hope. “Actually…” He slipped his hand in his trouser pocket and pulled out a white velvet box.

* * *

Lucy stared at the box even as her stomach started doing flips. “What is that?”

“A prop,” Jamie said.

“A prop you just happened to have in your pocket?”

“I bought it because it was beautiful, and I figured I may never find one like it again.” He shrugged. “I brought it with me in case you said yes to my proposition. Why don’t you take it while you think about it?” He held it out.

Lucy was still reeling from Jamie’s suggestion that they pretend to be engaged. Yes, he’d said he was her friend and would gladly help her however she needed, but this…?

Gingerly, Lucy took the box and flipped it open.

Inside was a ring with a huge diamond and sapphires. The design was over-the-top feminine with flowers and bows. It was unusual and classic at the same time.

Lucy loved it. She didn’t love the fact she immediately pictured herself in a white dress, walking down an aisle to Jamie so they could exchange vows in front of all their friends.

“Jamie, are you crazy? You can’t just give this to me. It must have cost you a million dollars.” She closed the box and tried handing it back to him.

He wouldn’t take it. “It didn’t cost a million dollars,” he said. “But it cost enough that it should convince others that we’re not playing games.”

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