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I exchanged a glance with Kuana.

Selix’s eyes were unreadable, but there was a sharpness to them that suggested he was more than capable.

But could we trust him?

Ikhax seemed to sense our hesitation. “Selix owes me,” he said simply. “And he will ensure your safe passage.”

I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat.

This was it.

Our one shot at freedom.

With a mix of hope and trepidation, we placed our fate in the hands of a stranger.

As we left Ikhax’s cell, the weight of our decision settled in.

We were about to embark on the most dangerous journey of our lives.

* * *

The dimly lit corridors of Ikmal formed a labyrinthine maze, making it nearly impossible for anyone to navigate without an insider’s knowledge.

As we hastily followed Selix, our guide, I tried to remember the turns, count the doors, and make mental notes of any landmarks.

But soon, it became clear that the prison was deliberately designed to confuse and disorient.

Selix moved swiftly, his chameleon-like skin constantly shifting to match the environment, rendering him almost invisible.

Every now and then, he’d stop abruptly, press a section of the wall, and usher us through a hidden door that would slide open seamlessly.

We passed multiple checkpoints, some manned by guards who didn’t bat an eye at our presence, probably bribed or blackmailed by Ikhax.

After what felt like hours, we finally reached what looked like a docking bay, where several spaceships of varying sizes and shapes were anchored.

In the corner was a sleek, nondescript vessel that looked more like a cargo ship than an escape pod.

With a nod, Selix beckoned us towards the ship.

“We don’t have much time,” Selix whispered, urgency lacing his voice. “The alarms will sound in a few moments. Get on board.”

Without wasting any time, we clambered into the ship.

Selix led us to a hidden compartment below the floorboards.

It was a tight squeeze, with barely enough space to sit upright.

As Kuana and I adjusted ourselves, trying to find a somewhat comfortable position, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of claustrophobia.

“Stay quiet and still,” Selix said, his tone detached and business-like. “This isn’t my first time doing this. As long as you don’t cause any trouble, we’ll be out of here in no time.”

With that, he sealed the compartment, leaving us in complete darkness.

All I could hear was the muffled hum of the ship’s engine and Kuana’s steady breathing beside me.

We held onto each other, the warmth of our bodies providing a small comfort in the confining space.

I felt his fingers intertwine with mine, squeezing gently.

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