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Looking up, I saw the Supervisor, that ever-present figure of authority at Ikmal, standing in his office that overlooked the Prize Pool.

His eyes bore into us, calculating, assessing.

I could almost hear the gears turning in his mind.

Kuana, with his newfound power, was a commodity that Ikmal had never encountered before.

A prize beyond any other.

And the Supervisor, with his vast network and influence, would not let such an asset slip through his fingers easily.

Kuana seemed to sense the weight of the gaze too, and his grip tightened around me.

We were now in the spotlight, and with it came danger.

The stakes had changed, and every moment we stayed in Ikmal increased the risk.

I leaned close to Kuana, whispering into his ear. “We need to get out.”

He nodded, a determined look in his eyes.

We stood together, a united front against the looming threats.

Our escape plan had always been a desire, a hope.

But now, it had become an absolute necessity.

Every ticking second was a countdown to either freedom or doom.

As the two of us faced the uncertain future, one thing was crystal clear.

We had to leave Ikmal.

And we had to do it now.

* * *

The metallic walkways of Ikmal echoed with each step.

Kuana and I, flanked by two of the prison’s guards, made our way deeper into the facility.

The weight of my decision to trust Ikhax pressed on my chest, but every time I looked over at Kuana, I felt a glimmer of hope.

He was my anchor in this storm of uncertainty, the one constant in an ever-changing world.

The prisoners, curious, leaned against the doors of their cells to catch a glimpse of the commotion.

A palpable tension enveloped the hallway, the kind that always precedes something big.

The smell of anticipation, of anxious breaths, mingled with the peculiar scent of the prison.

A combination of sweat, metallic tinges, and the unique odor of beings from different galaxies.

As we passed, the captives’ eyes roved over me.

I felt their predatory gaze, each one trying to decipher the enigma that a female like me represented in this den of outcasts.

But Kuana was always a step ahead.

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