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I felt a twinge of frustration.

His cryptic answer left me with more questions than answers.

But I wasn’t going to let him off that easily. “Kuana,” I pressed, “you vanished. You went to that jungle colony moon on a simple espionage mission, and then… the facility was destroyed. No one ever found you. What really happened?”

He seemed to flinch at the mention of the mission, a shadow passing over his face. “Violet,” he began, his voice strained, “it’s complicated. I can’t… I can’t explain it, not now.”

“But I’ve waited so long,” I whispered, my voice tinged with desperation. “I never stopped searching, never stopped hoping. Everyone said you were gone, that I should move on. But I knew, deep down, that you were out there, somewhere.”

He took a deep breath, his chest rising and falling heavily. “There are things, Violet,” he began slowly, “things that changed me. Things I’m not proud of. I wish I could give you the answers you seek, but it’s not that simple.”

I looked at him, searching for a hint of the man I once knew.

And in that moment, I realized that while Kuana might have physically returned, there was a part of him that was still lost, still wandering the vastness of the galaxy.

A heavy silence settled between us, the weight of unspoken words pressing down on us.

I had so many questions, so many emotions swirling inside of me.

But for now, I had to be patient.

Kuana was back, but the journey to truly find him had only just begun.

And as I gazed into the depths of his eyes, I felt a mix of sorrow, hope, and determination.

Everyone else had given up, had mourned and moved on.

But I had held onto a fragile thread of hope, fueled by an unwavering belief.

The silence was heavy between us.

The weight of years, of all the unsaid words, of the pain and hope and everything in between, pressed in from all sides.

I could see the anguish in Kuana’s eyes, could feel the weight of his guilt.

But I wasn’t here to accuse him or even to find closure.

I was here for him.

He suddenly straightened, a grim determination settling over him. “You shouldn’t have come here, Violet,” he muttered, his voice hard.

I blinked in surprise. “Excuse me?”

“This place,” he waved a hand around, indicating the confines of the cell and, by extension, the entire prison. “It’s not for you. It’s dangerous. What were you thinking, coming here?”

I felt a flare of anger. “You’re seriously asking me that? After all this time, that’s what you have to say to me?”

He looked pained. “It’s not that simple. You don’t know what this place is like. The rules, the dangers. By being here, you’re taking a massive risk.”

I crossed my arms, my eyes blazing. “Oh, I’m well aware of the risks. But it seems to me that you’re forgetting something important.”

He raised an eyebrow, looking genuinely puzzled. “What’s that?”

That I love you!

I didn’t let the words burst forth, the weight of the years they’d been held back making them even more potent.

My breath was ragged as I continued:

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