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It was a face that had haunted my dreams and been the source of both my deepest joys and most profound sorrows.

It was Violet.

Her eyes, those infinite pools that had once held galaxies of shared dreams, now held a mix of determination, fear, and hope.

Her once radiant violet hair, now a shade darker but still unmistakably hers, flowed down her shoulders.

The reunion was silent, words failing to capture the magnitude of the moment.

The past and present melded, the boundaries blurring.

The weight of years apart, the agonies of separation, the burning questions of how and why — all faded away.

In that confined space of the Ikmal prison cell, two souls reconnected, reliving a love that had defied time, space, and reality.



The confines of the cell seemed to close in on me as I gazed at Kuana.

It was surreal, the room both fading away and becoming painfully vivid.

Every new scar and line on his face was a story I wasn’t privy to.

Yet, I was drawn to him like the inexorable pull of a black hole, caught in his gravitational field.

His presence was a living paradox: reassuringly familiar, yet unsettlingly foreign.

I could see the years that had passed etched in the set of his jaw and the depth of his gaze.

The Kuana I remembered was a fierce, passionate Tok, headstrong and always eager for adventure.

And yet, the Tok before me carried a heavy burden — a silent storm of memories and experiences that seemed to weigh him down.

As we stood there, time seemed to lose all meaning.

I felt like a young girl again, uncertain, vulnerable.

My heart raced, a cacophony amidst the silence.

I had imagined this moment so many times — rehearsed it, played it over and over in my mind.

But now, faced with the reality, words failed me.

“What happened?”

The question slipped out before I could stop it, a simple query filled with layers of pain, hope, and longing.

It was the question that had haunted my nights, the ghost that had lingered in the shadows of my every thought.

Kuana hesitated.

His eyes darted away, avoiding my gaze.

For a moment, he seemed lost in thought, a prisoner of his own memories.

When he finally spoke, his voice was soft, almost inaudible, “Something… I never expected.”

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