Page 15 of Priest

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“I’ve seen her here a few times. She keeps to herself and never speaks.” He slaps me on the back. “Looked like you got more than two words out of her, though.”

“I was just lettin’ her know about Quarter Elm. I get the feelin’ she’s got nowhere to go and she’s savin’ face. For what reason, I don’t know.”

Manny glances over. “Come to think of it, she looks kinda familiar… Though, I don’t know where I’ve seen her, aside from here.”

I glance back over my shoulder. My tension eases when I see she’s taking my advice and having another bowl. I don’t like the idea of anyone going hungry.

A knot forms in my stomach and I have to look away.

“It’s the eyes,” I say out of nowhere, earning me a look from Manny. “The windows to the soul.”

“That must be it,” he muses. “Well, long as she’s safe and off the street. Cryin’ shame.”

“Tell me about it.”

I’m not gonna lie and say all of the homeless we have here are saints. We get drunk and disorderly patrons sometimes, but for the most part people toe the line and behave. They’re not all homeless; some are just in need or doing it tough. And some come for the food because it’s the best in New Orleans, and they leave a huge donation. All walks of life are encouraged if it’s for the right reasons.

I give Stella the heads up about Bella, and I’m surprised when I see her at the counter a little while later asking if she can help.

She’s tiny, the hoodie is miles too big and hangs off her body. Other than being underweight and pale, she doesn’t look unhealthy. There are so many addicts, young and old, that it’s an anomaly when I come across someone who’s clean.

It makes the mystery around her thicken. Maybe she’s just down on her luck. It can happen in an instant to anyone. The loss of a job suddenly, or a rental increase. If she has no family, or a bad family, then that could explain things. Still, it’s none of my business to pry, nor is it to insert myself into being her white knight. She just needs a lucky break. A chance to get back on her feet. Like I did one time, not that long ago.

If it weren’t for Father Dan and Cash, I’m not sure where I’d be. Probably dead somewhere. Or back in prison.

Stella hands her an apron and they begin wiping down the tables as she chats away like they’ve known each other for years. That’s Stella for you. She can talk the ears off a donkey, but it might be a way for Bella to open up and let us help her.

I don’t hang around. I’ve got to help Manny in the kitchen since Shanice came down with the same flu as her co-workers and we’re short again this week. I don’t get sick very often, so I’m hoping I didn’t catch any of their germs.

Me and Manny make light work of the kitchen, making it sparkle as we pour the leftovers into containers for the shelter. Speaking of which, I’ll be stopping by in my truck on the way home to deliver what we have left. We have freezers here for when we have more than we need, but for the most part, everything is used.

“Hey Priest, you gonna be long?” Stella calls under the server's window.

I glance up. I can see Bella is still next to her, though she’s not hollering through the little window. She’s just standing there waiting for her ride.

Shit. I forgot that I gave Stella a ride here earlier and she doesn’t have her car with her.

“Uh, yeah.” I give Manny a chin lift. “I’ll see you later, you okay to lock up?”

“Not far behind you, big guy,” he says.

“Good. See you tomorrow.”

“Same place, same channel.”

I grab my jacket and walk back into the now empty restaurant. The girls have done a good job of cleaning up, and Luna has already taken off.

“I’m gonna drive,” I say, like a schmuck. “I forgot I picked Stell up on the way here.” It’s aimed at Bella, of course.

“We can stop at Quarter and Elm on the way. I’ll get Bella settled in,” Stella says, smiling at her new friend.

“That’s… awfully kind of you,” Bella says. “But it’s really not that far.”

She’s got that look in her eye that she’s about to bolt, and I don’t want that. I don’t want her to be afraid of us.

“Don’t be silly.” Stella grabs her stuff too, shrugging on her jacket. “I’d be happy to. And it’d make me and Priest feel better to know you’re safe tonight, okay?”

Stella squeezes Bella’s forearm and to my surprise, Bella smiles at her. I would expect a woman so timid to be afraid, to jolt at her touch even, but she surprises me and does the exact opposite. I mean, it’s hard not to warm to Stella. She’s about her age, and fun to be around. A little chatty but it’s better than being mute. And she’s always happy.

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