Page 14 of Priest

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I clear my throat. “Are you safe tonight? No lies.”

She looks down, something she does an awful lot, and I see the resolve in her eyes. “I… I’m working on it.”

“I’ll give my friend a call. She’s great, and Stella can drop you there afterwards. It’s a women’s refuge, and it’s run by great people. It’s safe.” I hold my hands up, palms facing her. “No strings attached. No funny business. I’m here to help Dan while he’s away. Like I said before, he’s my friend.”

A few awkward moments of silence hang between us.

“If Dan trusts you, then I’m sure what you’re saying is true.” Her voice is merely a whisper, and I wonder what the fuck happened to this pretty, shadow of a girl that can’t even look me in the eye.

Was she always like this? Did she ever have anyone care about her? Why is she here?

So many questions, and so little answers.

I remind myself to message Dan later and ask him what he knows.

“Well, good. Think about what I said.” I thumb behind me, toward Stella again. “It’s really no trouble, and it’s cold out.”

You don’t have to be a genius to realize that she’s been sleeping rough, and that makes me want to help her all the more. It isn’t safe out there.

I have a sister. Hope. And while I may not see her very often, the idea that she’d ever be in a situation like this makes my blood run cold.

She nods, biting on her lip nervously. I can’t say I understand, because I’m not a woman or in the position she’s in, but I mean it when I want to see her off the streets.

At least at Elm she’ll be safe, until she can figure things out.

“I… I appreciate it,” she says.

“It’s no trouble.”

I wonder if she’ll run away again, or come and help clean up.I’d like her to meet Luna and Stella; they’re good girls and they may even be able to help her more than I can.

“How did you like the stew?” I lift my chin. She’s made it through a huge bowl and I know she’s hungry.

“It was delicious.”

“There’s plenty more, and bread too. Feel free to have seconds, I know I will after I finish up.”

She isn’t the type of girl to take more than her fair share, but we make a lot of food here, and nothing goes to waste.

She smiles for the first time and it’s glorious. She has nice teeth; which is weird of me to notice, but I can’t help it. Her face changes when she smiles and my heart skips a beat.

Her eyes… they’re a pretty shade of blue. Though her hair is covered by her hood, I know she has dark hair.

“Okay, thanks.”

She looks like she could do with a decent meal or ten. I know by looking at her she’s not on drugs. I also know it isn’t alcohol. I feel as if she’s running away. My instincts tell me as such, and they haven’t let me down yet.

Maybe an abusive ex. Or family. Or both.

What did they do to her?

And why can’t I stop thinking about her?

“I’ll see you around.” I push off the chair and make my way back to the kitchen, stopping to talk to several people on the way back.

“Trust you to commandeer all the pretty girls,” Manny tsks. “Who is she?”

I shrug. “Don’t know much about her. Her name is Bella.”

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