Page 3 of Marco's Girl

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Classes go by in a blur of boredom and repetition. I don’t see the new girl--Evangeline she said her name was--again until lunch.

I usually go off campus, oftentimes not coming back for afternoon session, but today I watch her. She gets a tray for the hot lunch and gets in line. I should leave her alone. She clearly wants to be a good student. Her note-taking was pretty fucking epic, especially given she was writing it all out with a pencil in a beat-up notebook.

Leaning against the back wall of the cafeteria, I watch her smile at the lunchroom staff and thank them whenever they hand her a food item. I shake my head. Girls like this don’t exist, right? This sort of sexy sweet perfection seems too good to be true, and it’s definitely too good for a guy like me. All the same, I keep watching her, enjoying the way her curvy hips fill out her skirt. Yeah, I should leave her alone. She doesn’t need my brand of trouble in her charmed life.

I’m about to walk away when Trent bursts through the double doors, his gang of idiots at his back as they strut through the lunchroom. He doesn’t even pretend to be going anywhere else but toward Evangeline.

Her back is turned, and she leans over to grab a piece of pie from the back of the dessert shelf.

Trent whistles and mimes grabbing her ass while his lacrosse pals laugh. I’m moving before I even give it a thought. When he reaches up and grabs a lock of her hair, I jump the empty lunch table in front of me and push through his throng of assholes.

She turns at the commotion, her babydoll eyes wide. “What--”

“Don’t touch her.” I step up to Trent.

He releases the lock of hair and glares up at me. “You gonna cockblock me in front of everyone?”

Evangeline presses herself against the rail, trying to get as far away from him as possible. I reach out. She takes my hand without hesitation, and I pull her behind me.

“I’ll drop you in front of everyone, too. Keep your fucking hands to yourself.” My hands are already fisted, and I’m itching to do some damage.

“Boys,” a lunch attendant chides. “Take it outside.”

“Shut up.” He points at her. “Go back to work or I’ll have your job.”

“Threatening lunch ladies now?” I smirk. “What are you going to do? Run to Daddy and tell him the lady with the blue hairnet hurt your feefees?”

Some of his crew snickers, but he turns on them, and they go quiet.

Evangeline scoots closer to me, her warmth at my back. “I can just go,” she whispers, but she doesn’t let go of my hand.

“You think I’m scared of you?” Trent doesn’t know when to shut up.

“After I kicked you and your friends’ asses, yeah, I think you are. If you’d like another beatdown, I’m happy to give it to you.”

“Boys.” Dr. Ward enters the lunchroom, his face stern. “Break it up.”

Trent looks over at him, and if I liked him, I’d explain to never turn your back on your enemy. Because right now? Right now I could sucker punch him and knock him out cold. But I don’t say a thing as Dr. Ward stomps up. “Is there a problem?”

“No problem.” Trent shrugs. “This Davinci thug was hassling the new girl, so I thought I should step in.”

I would call him a liar, but Dr. Ward is friends with Trent’s father. There’s no chance he’d believe me.

Dr. Ward turns his sharp eyes on me. “Let her go.”

She squeezes my hand tighter. “I’m okay.” Her voice is so soft that I almost miss it, but she steps from behind me. “Marco was just helping me get familiar with the lunch options.”

Trent’s gaze trails down her body, and I want to gut punch him, but Dr. Ward is right in front of us. If I got kicked out of school, Sophia would lose her shit.

“Marco Davinci was helping you?” Dr. Ward isn’t convinced.

“Yes.” She blinks, her tone so sincere and her big babydoll eyes perfectly clear. “He’s very helpful.”

“I’m taking her out to lunch.” I look over at her. “If that’s okay with you.”

“Sure. There’s not a problem, Dr. Ward. No one was bothering me.”

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