Page 2 of Marco's Girl

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Staring at my textbook, I still feel the boy’s touch that lingers on my hand. I peek over at him. Okay, there is no way that he’s a boy. He looks like a grown man sitting in a child's chair. He leans back with ease as though nothing bothers him. Everything about him is dark, from his hair to his eyes. Is he the bad crowd that Mrs. Benton warned me about only moments ago? He sure looks as though he fits the role. She might have been talking about the other boys who even now turn around to look at me. This is why I keep to myself.

I reach into my backpack and pull out my glasses. I quickly slip them onto my face before opening my notebook and grabbing my pencil. I try and write down everything the teacher says. I’m too shy to ask if the laptops I see everyone working on came from the school or I if I need to get one myself. I haven't been given a login or anything yet. I wonder if I can find the slide presentation online. I’ll have to look when I get home. That way I’ll know for sure that I didn’t miss anything.

I try to pay attention as best I can as I busy myself scribbling down everything Mrs. Benton says. I think I’m ahead of the game here based on what she’s currently teaching. Relief fills me when I realize that I already know most of the things she’s gone over, so I’m not too worried about getting behind.

“Where’s your laptop?” The dark-headed guy’s voice is a low rumble beside me.

I glance at him. The same fingers he’d grabbed tighten around my pencil. The way he reached for me was as if he’d done it a hundred times before. It was natural, and for some reason I didn't jerk my hand away.

This time I get a better look at him, because I don’t have to steal it. He spoke to me, so giving him my attention makes sense. A tiny scar above his lip catches my eye. It’s the only mark on his perfect face. He’s so handsome that I catch myself staring at him longer than I should. He’d asked me a question, and now I probably look like an idiot because I haven’t answered.

“A laptop? They haven’t given me one yet,” I whisper back, not wanting to get in trouble for talking during lecture. I’m hoping to blend in here. Senior year at a new school can be ruthless. Even though it might suck, I need to suck it up. Brightwood Prep is the best high school in the state.

I was shocked when I’d gotten the transfer acceptance letter in the mail. Graduating from here will look amazing on my college transcripts, and that’s all that matters. I don’t know if it was my grades from Sterling Academy or the address I put down on my application that got me accepted, but I wasn’t about to pass up this opportunity. No one had to know that I lived over a garage at the Bradford estate with my grandma. She’d gotten a job as the family’s new live-in cook. It came with some perks, including a small apartment on the property.

“A laptop comes with the tuition.” He gives me a tiny smile that has me feeling a certain way that I can’t put into words. Even though he looks dark and dangerous, when he’d grabbed my hand, it had felt natural. Nice, even.

“I’m here on a scholarship, so maybe I don’t get one?” I'll take the notes and use the library before and after school if I need to. I’ll make this work. This is my opportunity to excel, and I won’t let it slip away. My grams worked too hard for me to screw up this chance. I’m not about to ask her to buy me a new laptop. She already works hard enough to keep us fed and clothes on our backs. I’ll have to figure out the laptop on my own.

“Is there a problem, Mr. Davinci?” Mrs. Benton stops presenting and looks toward us. I immediately drop my eyes to my notepad.

“No problem,” he replies with an easy smirk.

I wish I had the confidence this guy does. He has a certain air about him. I’m not sure if it’s a good or bad thing yet.

Not wanting to get in trouble again, I continue quietly taking my notes. Even though Mrs. Benton hadn’t said anything directly to me, I don’t want her to think I’m a troublemaker. I’m here to learn and get my diploma. A letter about how great a student I am wouldn't hurt either.

“I’m Marco.” His deep voice breaks me from my thoughts.

I peak over at him but don’t answer. I scribble a little note telling him that it’s nice to meet him and lift it up to show him.

That earns me a chuckle from him that warms my entire body. “Now, if I had your number we could send messages to each other the proper way.”

“Shh.” I shoot a look at Mrs. Benton.

His eyes go wide for a moment in surprise. I jerk my head back to the front of the class because I can’t believe I shushed him. When I steal another glance at him, he’s smiling at me.

I can see him shift out of the corner of my eye. Is he rummaging in my backpack? I refuse to let myself look over at him, mainly because another scolding from Mrs. Benton may break me. I know my cheeks are flushing more pink every time I think about how I’d told him to be quiet. When he grabs my hand again, I think my heart may stop. I freeze, having no idea what the heck he’s doing. He doesn't talk as he puts my thumb on my phone sensor before replacing my pencil in my palm.

Mrs. Benton looks our way before I can try and snatch my phone back from him, so I pretend to take notes. He just went into my things and took what he wanted. Who does that? Okay, the phone was partly sticking out of the side pocket, but still. I peek over at him, watching as he calls his own phone with mine before putting it back where he found it.

I turn to look at him, still shocked that he did that. My lips part to say something but he reaches one finger up, placing it against my mouth in a shushing motion with a cocky smirk on his lips. This time it’s me that lets out a small giggle that garners Mrs. Benton’s attention. I’m in trouble, but it’s not Mrs. Benton I’m worried about.

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