Page 11 of Marco's Girl

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“You don’t really have a say in the matter.” I lift my chin and meet his eyes. Some of my resolve melts away. He’s too handsome. The rain starts to come down harder.

“Trent?” Both of us turn at the sound of a woman’s voice. Mrs. Bradford rushes out the front door to her son. “Are you okay?” She drops to the ground beside him. “What happened?”

“Call the cops!” Trent barks at his own mom.

She jumps back at the anger he throws in her face.

“I would like you to leave, Marco.” A man’s voice.

Marco turns to look at Mr. Bradford, who’s now standing in the doorway.

“Who the fuck are you?” Marco throws back.

“Trent’s father,” he answers. He doesn't seem mad. He doesn't seem anything, actually.

“How do you know who I am?” Marco bristles.

My eyes dart between the two of them. Out of the corner of my eye, I watch as Mrs. Bradford gets Trent to his feet.

“Call the cops, Dad.” Trent’s voice is still strangled, and I wonder if something is wrong with his windpipe.

“I know a Davinci when I see one,” Mr. Bradford answers.

“Good, then know the girl falls under our protection.”

I look back at Marco and wonder what the hell falls under our protection means. “Go inside, babydoll. Get out of your wet clothes.” Marco steps out of my way now.

I have no idea what they’re talking about, but I take off toward the garage. I take the side stairs up to the apartment.

The smell of food hits my nose as soon as I open the door. I hurry in and take off my wet shoes, leaving them on the mat. I go in search of my grandma, knowing that I’ll find her sitting on the sofa watching her favorite tv shows. She’s off for the rest of the day unless the big house calls for her. I’m pretty shaken up about what happened outside and worried about what the fallout will be for us.

“Hey, sweetie.” My grandma's voice breaks me out of my thoughts. I find her exactly where I knew she would be.

“Hi, Grams.” I walk over to her and lean down to give her a quick kiss.

“You’re soaking wet! Did you have to walk home in the rain?”

I hesitate for a second, because I don’t want to lie, but I also can’t tell her the truth about what happened.

“I got a ride, but as I was getting out there was a downpour.” I don’t exactly lie so that makes me feel a little better.

“Go and get out of those wet clothes, and then we can have some dinner. I made your favorite, meatloaf and mashed potatoes.”

I give her another kiss before heading to my room. I stop when I see a shadow standing outside our door. I peek out to see Marco about to raise his hand and knock. I swing it open before he can finish the motion.

“Take it.” He hands me the box with the laptop in it.

“No.” I push it back.

“We can stand here and fight about it until your grandma hears us and decides to invite me in to eat whatever that wonderful smell is or you can take the laptop.”

I pin my bottom lip between my teeth as I think. Grams would definitely invite him in.

I pull the box from his hold. “Fine.” I huff. “Thank you.”

“Just can’t help being sweet, can you?” He smiles, the dangerous look of him turning my insides to goo..

“Try not to fall into any more doorknobs.” I smirk. Take that for being sweet. Wait, maybe that is being nice. I told him not to get hurt.

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