Page 10 of Marco's Girl

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“What the fuck?” Trent bellows, making my stomach drop. I knew it was only a matter of time until he put it together that I live on his family's estate. But to be honest, I hadn’t even realized it. I only found out he existed today. We’d somehow managed to not cross paths over the past few months, but I think that he’s been away most of the summer.

“Please don’t make a scene,” I say, half panicked, to Marco. He could get my grandma fired or possibly get me kicked out of school. This isn’t only my grandma’s job but where we live. My eyes flick to Trent, who’s now making his way toward the car. The rain pours, but through it I can see his face. It looks like he might have had a run-in with a doorknob, too. I look back at Marco, who’s already getting out of the car.

I grab his arm. “There wasn’t a doorknob. It was Trent. You lied to me?” It comes out as more of a question, because I don’t want to believe it. Why would he lie to me about something so insignificant?

“You dropping her off for me? Didn’t I tell you that I don’t want your sloppy seconds?” Trent’s face is a mask of rage and disgust at the same time. I have no idea what he’s talking about, but it seems to be about me.

I replay his words in my mind, and then it finally clicks. I grow embarrassed as I sit there, my face filling with heat. I can’t say anything back to defend myself, because I know Trent could make my life a living hell here. I may not have run into him before today, but he looks like he’s the type that would try to get Grams fired. Marco looks back at me. I simply shake my head at him as my eyes plead with him to let it go.

“You should go,” I tell Marco and release his arm. He lied to me, so I’m pissed at him, but I also don’t want more trouble with Trent. Especially when it could hurt my grandma.

“I’m not leaving you with this shitwad.” Marco gets out of the car. I hop out too, hoping that I can be a buffer between them.

“You know what?” Trent stops a few feet away. “I don’t even care if it’s sloppy seconds. I’ll still take my turn.” His eyes roam over me, sending a chill through my body.

I stiffen at his visual assault. It makes me feel dirty even as the rain pours over me.

“You motherfucker.” Marco goes for him and gets a grip on his throat before Trent can defend himself. “You got something else you want to say? None of your friends are around to help you now.”

I dart to Marco. “Don’t!”

Trent’s face starts to turn red as he swings and tries to loosen Marco’s grip. I grab Marco’s arm, trying to pull him away, but he doesn’t budge.

“Get in the car, babydoll,” he orders.

I start to let go of his arm and do as he tells me, but then I remember that he’s a liar.

Trent’s face starts to turn purple as his efforts weaken.

“Let. Him. Go.” The strength in my own words surprises me, but Marco does it and throws Trent to the ground. He hits the stone driveway hard. I cringe and wonder if he broke something. He rolls over, coughing and gasping for air.

“So the laptop wasn’t to get in my pants? To make sure you didn't get sloppy seconds?” My eyes begin to burn as I go back to the car and grab my bag. I leave the laptop behind because I don’t want or need anything from any of these fools.

“Babydoll.” Marco calls after me, his voice half-obscured by thunder.

“I’m calling the cops.” Trent tries to shout but it comes out strangled.

Marco puts a hand on my elbow.

“Go before you get my grandma fired.” I turn and almost run right into him. He catches me by my shoulders before I can fall against his car.

“Your grandmother works here?”

“Yes, now please let me go.” I stare at my feet, water running into my eyes. He drops his hands immediately.

“You live here?” His words are coated with utter confusion.

I’m not sure if that’s a question or not. I already told him where I live, but I answer him anyway.

“Yes.” I try and move past him but he moves with me, blocking me in. “You should leave before you get in trouble.”

He shrugs like he doesn't care. I can still hear Trent gasping for air and cursing as he tries to get to his feet.

“I can’t leave you with him.” His eyes meet mine.

I can see the worry in them, but I have to think about myself this time. It doesn’t matter that I want to run into Marco’s arms and let him protect me. What matters is that my grandma doesn’t lose her job, we don’t lose the place we live in, and I don’t have to leave school. If things were different, I would love to explore this thing with Marco, but that’s not the reality of it. Besides, can I even trust him?

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