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“You don’t need to thank us. It’s our pleasure.” She had no fucking idea how true that was.

“Your pleasure?” She giggled and shook her head before disappearing behind the curtain. My hand moved between my legs and covered my aching cock. “You’re crazy, Casey.”

“You have no idea.” I tried to keep the sound of my voice light. I gripped my length trying to stave off the need boiling in my balls. She had no idea how crazy I was about her. Soon enough, we’d have her where we want her. Calling us daddy while wearing masks. She’d unleashed something inside of me when she said that last night.

Fuck me. I’d always enjoyed some dirty talk, and I sure as fuck didn’t mind being called daddy, but Rosie had kicked something else up inside of me, and it had gone into overdrive. Dark images ran through my mind as I quietly stroked my cock while she showered and talked to me. But I I stopped before I made a mess I wouldn’t be able to explain.

The water shut off, and I stood up. I reached for her towel and handed it to her through the curtain with my back turned to her as I willed my cock to give me a fucking break. But it was close to impossible when her sweet scent surrounded me.

When I had volunteered to help her shower, I thought I had taken on the easy job. But maybe this was the hardest one after all. It sure felt that way behind my shorts.



Everything was dark, and no matter how hard I tried to focus on what could possibly be in front of me, I couldn’t make anything out. My heart rate kicked into triple-time as anxiety and something else, something like a twinge of excitement, started to percolate through my body. A sound started, and I felt a vent overhead start to blast cool air.

“Solo es el airé, it’s just the AC.” I told myself as I looked around, my eyes strained, but nothing. Just darkness and the cool AC air.

I tried to walk, but I couldn’t get my feet to move.

I wasn’t sure why, but I couldn’t. I shivered.

Where am I? Am I dreaming again?

I tried hard to remember what had happened last, but I couldn’t get my brain to think. Not when I was almost positive I wasn’t alone. This eerie feeling started to get a strange hold on me, and when I opened my mouth to scream, something covered it. A hand. My chest rose and fell heavily. A leather-gloved hand.

“Shh,” a deep voice sounded by my ears, and I trembled. My heart felt like it was about to burst through my ribcage, but I couldn’t deny the excitement that prickled through my body.

What is wrong with me?

Why does my body react this way? Was I some kind of pervert?

An undeniable pulse started from the top of my head and rushed straight down through my body to my toes. I felt exhilarated. Alive. It was the opposite of what I should have felt. But then again, my fantasies were usually darker than sweet bubblegum dreams.

A hand dropped to my waist, and whoever was holding me brushed their nose against the side of my face, but he was wearing something. A mask? It wasn’t skin on skin like I would have wished. But having a layer between us had a thrill of its own.

“Be a good girl for us, baby.” The raspy masculine tone sounded familiar, but whatever he had on his face muffled it too much to place it.

Suddenly, wherever I was, was no longer covered in darkness. The dimly lit room was painted in a deep royal purple, and when I glanced down, that hand on my neck snaked around to my stomach. I glanced down to see a black-leather-gloved hand there. It was so much bigger than mine. I wanted to turn, but I couldn’t get myself to move.

“Such a good fucking girl for her daddies,” the deep voice rasped. I shivered at his words. I felt a lot in that moment, but despite the slight prickle of anxiety I felt, I wasn’t scared.

I was embarrassingly wet and turned on.

This was a fantasy.

It had to be.

Strong almost familiar hands turned me around gently, almost tenderly, and I stared at the faceless man. No. That wasn’t true. He wasn’t faceless; he was just covered up with some kind of black fabric that hid every single one of his features. But even where I stood, I knew he was big and tall and strong.

Just the way he touched me showed he knew the strength he was capable of and was being deliberate in touching me tenderly.

“Look at you,” he drawled. His voice dropped an octave as I stared up at the man.

This is a fantasy.

This isn’t real.

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