Page 50 of Love to the Rescue

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“They wanted to see a policy and press release we were working on. But it seems to me they were in the dark about some of the things I was doing.”

“In a good or bad way?” he asked, frowning at her.

“They were grinning and looking at each other a lot. They were very complimentary of what they saw. I didn’t want to brag, but they asked if I was writing things or Stella.”

“If you’re doing the work you make sure you claim it,” he said. “I know there are office politics, but you shouldn’t let someone continue to take the credit for your work.”

She let out a sigh. Braylon had been telling her this for over a month. Even Laken had given her some pointers to make sure she was acknowledged for her work. How to embed her initials or signature into the work to prove she was a part of it.

Little things she’d never thought of before but would go a long way to show she was a part of something.

“I know,” she said. “This time I was honest and said what I was doing.” She explained the survey to Braylon and how it was her idea and she wondered if Stella would take credit for it.

“She can’t take credit for it now if they are just finding out. Or can she say that she created it all?”

“She can try,” she said. “But thanks to Laken, I’ve got them marked as my property and creation. With that comes the risk if it fails too, but I wasn’t too worried.”

“As you shouldn’t be,” he said. “We all fail at something in our career. It’s part of it. But continuing on is the most important part.”

They pulled in front of the restaurant he was taking her to, got out and went inside. During lunch hour, most times people were served quickly as many had to return to work.

She liked to never go over her hour, but it had happened before. Then she’d stay even later at night if she had to.

Though she still put in more than her forty hours a week.

She never wanted anyone to say she took the easy way out. Or only put in partial effort.

And she sure the heck didn’t want rumors like Stella had that she only got her position because she was having an affair with the person before Aaron.

She tried not to listen to rumors, but more than one person had made a comment on it being true and that was why Clint had been terminated.

But wouldn’t they have terminated Stella too if that was the case? She thought so, but what did she know?

“How late do you think you’ll be tonight?” Braylon asked her after lunch when they were pulling in front of the building.

“I hope to get out on time unless something comes up,” she said. “But you never get out on time. What is even on time for you?”

“I have no clue what on time is either,” he said, grinning. “But I’ll try to be done by five if I can be. Thomas is out this afternoon so that is normally what keeps me there.”

“You mean it’s not West that keeps you there?” she asked playfully bumping into him.

“No. He can reach me any time and knows that. I don’t have to be in the office for that.”

They got out and walked into the building together. Him going to the stairs with her and her floor, then he grabbed her arm and gave her a quick kiss before walking to the elevators to get on there like he always did.

“I’ll talk to you tonight.”

“Bye,” he said, giving her a little wave. It looked silly but felt right at the same time.

Was it possible she was falling in love with Braylon?



“I’m sorry about the last two days,” Braylon said when she walked out of her office at the end of the workday two days later.

He’d felt like shit that he not only didn’t get out of work on time Wednesday but then was held up late yesterday too.

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