Page 9 of Hot Nights

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“Yeah, she’s got a taste of the empty nest syndrome, and no matter how much I try to keep Kelsey from saving up money to move out, it’s hard. She’s hell bent on spreading her wings to fly, which is a damn hard pill to swallow.” Kelsey didn’t relay all that, except it makes sense. Two jobs, one full-time, one part-time. I’m pretty sure her atrial fibrillation will kick in if she doesn’t take it easy. After the bomb she dropped, I did my own research. Alcohol, caffeine, high blood pressure. They're all contributing factors. Which means I’m going to do whatever I can to simplify her life.

“I bet.” I stand in the foyer waiting to see where this goes next.

“So, what did you want to talk about, Talon?” Fuck, this is a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. He has every right to tell me to back the hell off. Kelsey is twenty-two to my thirty-six. She’s just starting her career, whereas I’m firmly settled at where I’ll stay until I’m as old as Grandad and can’t stand to captain a boat any longer. Considering Grandpa Scott hasn’t stopped yet, I’d say neither will I. He goes out every morning to set a couple of traps for whatever he’s feeling froggy for. Sometimes he’ll share his bounty of whatever he fishes. Other times he’ll tell me to shit or get off the pot and catch my own.

Ed crosses his arms over his chest, waiting me out. “I’m not sure where to begin.” I keep my arms lose and at my sides. I’ll take whatever he dishes out when I finally grow a pair and admit to Ed that I’m pursuing his daughter.

“At the beginning would probably be a good idea.” Boy, he isn’t wrong.

“I’d like to date your daughter.” Jesus, I feel like I’m in high school picking up Talia for senior prom. Except this is ten times worse. What I feel for Kelsey is stronger than I ever thought possible. She’s fucking it for me.

“Not surprised. I’ve admired the way you’ve stayed away, let her do her college deal, get on her feet. I’ve seen the way my daughter looks at you.” Ed takes a deep breath. Yeah, hiding my feelings from not only Kelsey but her parents has been damn hard. I’d so much as catch a glimpse, scent, or hear her voice, and I had to excuse myself or start reciting tide charts to keep my cock in check. And when she touched me a few weeks ago, causing me to send her away, I walked my ass inside, pulled my shorts down, and wrapped my hand around my dick until I came. Not my proudest moment, but it kept me from going after her. “Kelsey is a lot like her mom. When they want something, they go after it. Hell, Lisa chased after me until I finally gave in,” Ed says.

“I can see that.” I no sooner state my reply than Kelsey’s dad's fist comes out of nowhere. I’ve barely got time to brace for impact before my jaw is clipped. It’s by sheer will and Grandad’s advice that I keep my feet planted.

“Jesus Christ, Edward Lewis Taylor. What have you done?” Lisa comes around the corner, wearing a house robe and hair sticking up every which way.

“We’re fine.” Ed holds his hand out for me to shake.

“Men are so weird. I swear I will never understand the lot of you. Where’s Kels?” Lisa doesn’t question why I’m here late at night.

“She’s not home yet. I was about to head to bed when Talon rang the doorbell.” He holds his hand out for Lisa, who immediately takes it.

“Kelsey said she’d be home by now,” she says worriedly.

“I’m sure she’s fine, honey. She’d call us or Talon if something were wrong.” Has he not met his daughter? She’s got an independent streak a mile long.

“Who is Kelsey with anyways?” I ask.

“Mariah and the girls picked her up a couple of hours ago,” Lisa replies.

“Where were they heading?” Lisa and Ed look from one another back to me.

“The island,” both respond at once.

“Fuck, I should have asked. I didn’t think to. I’ve gotta go. Those idiots get drunker than a skunk. I’ve seen a few of them almost hit pylon markers before.” In the dead of day and more than on one occasion have I seen a few of them fly through no wake zones, bottles in their hands, laughing without a care in the world. I’m not opposed to anyone having a few drinks, but when they endanger the woman I know without a single fucking doubt will be mine for-fucking-ever, that’s when I have an issue.

“Goddamn it. I should have offered her to take my boat. Kelsey didn’t even ask and I didn’t think anything of it. Let me go change, grab my keys, and I’ll head out with you.” Ed is beating himself up, but not nearly as much as I am.

“You can’t, Ed. Your boat has no gas,” Lisa states. Ed’s face is etched with concern as is Lisa’s.

“I’ll go. My boat is already in the water and has a full tank of gas. You all try to call her and then relay the message to me when you can.” It’d take Ed minutes to get dressed, nearly twenty to fuel up, and I’m not fucking around.

“Go. Go get our girl, Talon. Ed will call you if he finds anything out. Please do the same,” Lisa replies. Meanwhile, her husband is walking off. I have no doubt he’ll be behind me as soon as possible.

“I will.” I’m walking out the door the second those two words leave my lips. I’ve got a woman to go after.



“Come have a drink with me,” Mariah pleads drunkenly. She’s stumbling and having a good time, as she should, except for the fact she broke our agreement. The hours have ticked by while I’ve sat nursing my drink, non-alcoholic of course. I brought my own cup per my usual. No one knows there’s only vitamin water in it instead of the alcohol that’s flowing heavily through the crowds.

“I have to pee. I’ll come find you when I’m done.” The lie rolls off my tongue easily. I’ve kept to myself, realization hitting me that I’ve outgrown what was once my friend group. I’d much rather stay in than go out, whereas they like to drink a lot and only need one or two until they’re loud, and I’m quiet.

“Oh, okay, see you later!” Mariah’s voice goes up an octave. She’s always been this way. We’re complete and total opposites. It worked for a while until it didn’t. I watch as she lifts her hands in the air. “Shots, shots, shots!” she chants. The rest of the group repeats after her. I’m about to turn and walk away when I see what’s happening out of the corner of my eye. God, I am so stupid. Alcohol and getting drunk is one thing. Drugs is another and I want zero part of this anymore.

I turn on my heel, holding my drink with the crook of my elbow and waist. My phone is in my back pocket. I haven't called for a pickup from a party since my junior year in high school. Yet I’m about to call my parents. If they aren’t available, I’m going to call Talon and hope he doesn’t judge me for my stupidity in hanging out with Mariah and this group. The only problem I currently have is holding my drink and sandals while trying to finagle my phone out of my jeans short pocket. Then think better of it this close to the shoreline.

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