Page 8 of Hot Nights

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“See you soon.” She’s already on her way toward the door. My line is two deep, and I go through the motions of checking them out. Thankfully, there aren't any more, or I’d have to call for backup, an action I’ve never had to take. Unless they’re looking for a certain item or bait, which is a different story entirely.

“Thank you. Enjoy your day,” I tell the last customer. I’m on autopilot, cussing myself out for agreeing to go out tonight. Who goes out on a Sunday to celebrate? Brunch I can see, but in the evening? Yikes. I’m going to be paying for it tomorrow.

“You too, Kels,” a regular says. Once the coast is clear, I pull out my phone. Captain T’s isn’t strict on rules. They only ask that when we have customers to keep our devices away. Seeing as how the coast is clear, I bend down and grab it from the cubby I keep it in when I’m not on the floor. My thumb slides over the lock screen, hitting the buttons to access it without my phone being in my face. I smile when I find a couple of missed texts from the man himself.

Talon: Don’t forget to eat something besides a protein bar.

Talon: Had to run and get a part for the boat. I’ll be home late tonight. I’ll call you when I get in.

A little bit of the guilt subsides. This way, I can be a supportive friend and make time for Talon whenever we both have a free moment. My shift at the biology center tomorrow should make it easier to see Talon, if he doesn’t have a long charter to run.

Me: I’m about to take a break now. You’ll be happy to know I packed a sandwich, fruit, and chips. No protein bar today.

I don’t have to wait long for a response. Just as my thumbs were hovering over the screen, another text comes through.

Talon: Good. Tomorrow after work. You and me at my place.

Me: I guess that answers if I’ll be seeing you tonight. Bummer. But I get it.

Talon: Yeah, fuckin’ blows. I’ll call you when I get back in.

Me: Sounds good. Be safe. Talk soon.

Talon: Later, siren.

“Hey, Kels, you ready to take your break?” Tara walks in right as our conversation ends.

“Hiya, yep. I won’t be too long.” I woke up this morning to my lunch already packed. I’d like to know what kind of superpower my mom has to roll in past midnight, prepare my lunch, and leave with Dad before I wake up.

“Take your time, honey. I appreciate you coming in after yesterday’s fiasco.” I’m pretty sure she’s going to feel guilt for leaving Talon and me here, when in all honesty, I’d pull a double any day of the week if I received yesterday’s result.

“Seriously, it wasn’t that bad, promise.” Tara lifts an eyebrow at me. She doesn’t believe me, not for a single second. I’d say it’s probably the shoes clueing her in. Gone are my cute sneakers, and in their place are my work sneakers. They have a cushioned sole and lots of support, along with making my feet happy.

“I know what it’s like, Kelsey. It’s hard work. You don’t go unappreciated. Take your time, put your feet up and rest.” She’s giving me the stern mom voice, plus she’s pointing her finger at me. I’m unsure if I should laugh or say yes ma’am.

“Fine, I will. Maybe I’ll watch a soap opera, too?” I joke instead.

“Oh, god help us all.” We trade places. Tara moves behind the counter and I toward the break room. Maybe the weekend is catching up with me. Hunger isn’t even hitting me. A nap would be better at this point.



The day got away from me. My boat throwing a loophole while I worked on it wasn’t in the cards. That’s life, especially when you own a boat surrounded by salt water. Shit corrodes, and there are some things that can’t be repaired and have to be replaced. My downfall today came in the form of the parts store not having what I needed in stock. I knew better. I should have taken the time to work on my personal boat during the winter months before the rush. Too bad charters don’t take a break and can sometimes be busier than our summer months. It seems the Scott family has all the unfortunate luck this week when it comes to needing supplies.

“Damn,” I mutter under my breath as I make the short trek from my house to Ed’s. My back is currently protesting from being in all kinds of weird positions while working on my boat. Any other time, you would find me sitting on my couch, feet up on the coffee table, a beer in my hand while mindless TV entertains me. Except Kelsey called me on her way home from working at the marina to let me know a friend invited her to hang out for a little while. I could hear the tiredness in her tone as well as the reluctance. Clearly, she didn’t want to go or was too exhausted. I’m not sure who was more annoyed that our schedules we’re a shit show, me or her. The only good thing coming from today’s hectic pace is while Kels is out and about, I’m going to do what Grandad suggested—talk to her parents.

“Hey, Talon, this is a surprise,” Ed answers the door shortly after I made my way to his front porch and hit the doorbell.

“Hey, Ed, do you and Lisa have a few minutes to talk?”

“Of course. Is everything alright?” Fuck, the last thing I want is for him to worry.

“Oh yeah, this shouldn’t take too long. Sorry to cause any trouble.” I take a step back as he opens the storm door, holding it for me as I pass through. All damn night, I’ve been going back and forth on how to start this conversation.

“No trouble at all. Lisa is asleep. She can’t hang out two nights in a row with little to no sleep like she used to.” Ed lets out a chuckle. Maybe luck will finally be on my side tonight.

“Kelsey mentioned you two have been busier than usual lately.” I tip my hand to let him know that we talk more than he’s probably aware. I’ve stayed away from Kelsey since the Taylor family moved in a couple of years ago. The temptation was too damn strong for me to be around her and not want to do more than look. That all changed a few weeks ago when she touched me, and I knew it was going to be impossible to hold back much longer.

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