Page 7 of Hot Nights

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“Work on the boat, do some fishing. The usual.” I hope that by the time I return, Kelsey’s parents will be back, so I can get our conversation out of the way.

“Sounds like a great way to spend a Sunday.” There’s a wistfulness in her tone. Next weekend, I’m going to pull some strings to where Kelsey gets hours either earlier in the morning or later in the day. I’m going to take her out on my boat, do a little fishing, and watch her prance around in one of her barely-there bikinis.

“Only one thing can top the day out on the boat, and that’s any time I’m with you.” Kelsey spins around. Now my cock is pressed against her front. The palms of my hands are itching to do a whole lot more. Mainly lift her up by the backs of her thighs before I tell her to pull my shorts down and feel everything I heard last night. Kelsey’s soft moans, husky pleas, and wet sounds that carried through the phone.

“Talon.” Her eyes close, and her cheeks flush, a tell of hers when she’s turned on.

“Fuck, get your ass outta here, siren, or I’m gonna take you in the house and fuck you all day long.” I step back, losing her warmth.

“Promises, promises.” Her voice is full of laughter.

“That’s a guarantee.” I take another step back. “Do me a favor, don’t wear shorts like yesterday.” She’s already making her way back to her place.

“Don’t worry. I saved those for you,” she tosses over her shoulder.

“You’re a minx, woman, plain and simple.” I’m half tempted to chase her down, kiss her laughter away until she’s left panting. Except I know neither of us has time for that. Next time, definitely next time.



“Hey, Kelsey.” I look up from the cash register to see Mariah. Today, she’s alone but has her hands full of snacks and a six-pack of her usual. I’m beginning to think she’s a weekend drinker, not that I’m judging. To each their own and all of that. Plus, it keeps Captain T’s flush full of money. There’s a major mark-up in price for convenience, and customers are willing to pay it in order to save a trip into town.

“Hey, Mariah, off to the island today?” I ask, covering up a yawn with the back of my hand. Between yesterday and staying up entirely too late, I’m dragging ass. Even Tara looked at me this morning and told me to go home. That wasn’t happening. My work ethic wouldn’t allow me to leave her without help. At least I’m not opening or closing today, my shift is on the short side, and I may even be able to get in a small nap once I’m off.

“Yeah, you should come.” I go to say maybe to appease her when she keeps going. “It’s a celebration of sorts, you see. Spencer asked me to marry him!” She squeals happily. Damn it, I’m a horrible friend. I should be over the moon for her, and yet here I am, knowing there’s no way I’ll be able to get out of her party now.

“That’s great! I’m so happy for you.” A hug is a necessity at this point, plus I need to see her ring up close and personal.

“You see, you have to come.” Before I make it to Mariah, she’s holding out her hand and showing me an impressive rock.

“Wow, it’s beautiful, Mariah. Spencer did a great job.” I take her hand in mine, holding it this way and that, watching as the light beams through the diamond.

“Didn’t he? We’re going to have a small wedding and ceremony. I’m thinking the end of summer. We’re not sure where it’ll be held, though.” I go over the logistics in my head. Maybe her and Spencer’s get-together will be early. I can go over to the island, stay for an hour or so, then head back home. But there’s also a part of me that's being a completely unsupportive friend because I want to hang out with Talon before our work week gets hectic again.

I nod my head. Mariah is going over how he proposed last night on the island in front of everyone. It was everything she hoped and dreamed it would be from her high school sweetheart turned fiancé.

“That’s so sweet, Mariah. Spencer really does love you.” I notice more people walking into the store, which means I need to wrap this conversation up. While I get a lot of leeway between Grandpa Scott and Tara, there’s no way I’d take advantage of them either.

“Please say you’ll come. We can pick you up and bring you back if you don’t want to drive your dad’s boat.” My dad may love me, but he doesn’t love me that much to let me take his boat out at night. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve been out on it alone during the day. There’s a reason why I have a paddle board and kayak. Dad’s boat is his pride and joy, the son he never had. He’s worked hard for what he has and I can’t say that I blame him

“I’ll take the ride, if you don’t mind. I do have to be at work by seven o’clock in the morning, though. Is it possible to be home decently early?” God, I’m going to murder my future self. She’s going to be a raging lunatic, dead on her feet, and ready to punch herself square in the eye.

“Of course, you know there are a ton of us. We’ll get you home. I’m so excited you’re coming. It’s been so long!” Her voice goes up an octave. I wrap my arms around her, giving her another hug.

“I really am happy for you and hate to push this along, but customers are starting to get antsy.”

“Oh yeah, whoops, my bad. I should have waited till you were off work. My excitement couldn’t be contained.” I head back to stand behind the register as she places her items on the counter.

“Honestly, I’m not sure I would be able to either.” My thoughts go to Talon. My head is filled with thoughts of him. It has been for a while now, and all we’ve done is kiss with a side of phone sex. Then tell me why I’m wondering how he would propose to me? I’d like to think he’d know me well enough that I don’t need anything flashy or a big production out of a proposal. A gold wedding band, a sunset on his boat, and I’d be happier than ever. I guess that’s the difference between two people. Whereas there’s nothing wrong with what Mariah received, it’s the last thing I’d like.

“Your total is thirty-three dollars and twenty-six cents.” Mariah swipes her card while I bag her items.

“Thanks, Kelsey. We’ll pick you up around seven?”

“That works. I’ll meet you at the house two doors down. They don’t have a boat, so it’ll be easier to get in and out.” Our neighbors are snowbirds and dry store their boat at another marina in town during the summer months. They tell everyone in our area to please use not only their dock but also parking spots.

“Perfect. I’ll text you when we’re pulling up.” Mariah takes the bag off the counter.

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