Page 11 of Hot Nights

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“Fuck no. You were not sleeping on the island. Your dad and I wouldn’t have let that happen.” She nods. I’m pretty sure what I’m saying is going in one ear and out the other. Adrenaline is a bitch, and I’d bet both of my boats Kelsey was on high alert the whole time she was out here. “Come on. Let’s get you out of the water. I’ll call your dad and tell him you’re safe and coming home with me.”

“I’m sorry, Talon. I should have known better. Mariah got engaged, and she swore to me we’d be home early.” Her bottom lip trembles. Kelsey Rae may be wrapped around my body, emotions swirling a million miles a minute, yet she’s still the most beautiful woman in the world.

“You’ve got nothing to be sorry about. Now, how about I kiss your worries away, and then we get outta here, okay?” Kelsey bops her head, a faint smile gracing her face, and I don’t hold back. My lips meet hers. I’m going to kiss her for all she’s worth, like she’s my only lifeline, like I can’t breathe without her beauty near me every second of every day. My tongue traces her lush bottom lip, and when her own snakes out meeting mine, that’s when our kiss turns more heated. My cock presses against the seam of her pussy. She’s full of heat and passion. We’re so lost in the moment it takes me a minute to realize there’s another boat in the distance.

“No. More, please, Talon,” she begs, and I do the opposite of what either of us wants.

“Siren, your dad is cruising in. I highly doubt he wants to see his little girl grinding her hot little body on mine.” Her face switches from filled with desire to mortified.

“Oh god, you’re right. Shit, shit, shit.” I’d laugh any other time, but I can read the room easily, and I don’t think she’d like me laughing at her displeasure very much after a night like tonight.

“Come on, up you go.” I lift her up until her ass meets the ledge, staying still till she finds her bearings.

“I’m good. You can let go now.” I squeeze her hips, watch as she swings her legs inside, and then lift myself up with my upper body. I’m soaked from the knee down, water is dripping off my body, my shoes are full, and I step out of them as Ed pulls up beside me.

“Kels, you good, baby girl?” he asks, lights bright as fuck on his boat. Clearly, he doesn’t give a damn about announcing his presence. Which is fine seeing as now there’s two of us here.

“I’m good. My phone went into SOS mode and wouldn’t send a text or let me place a call,” Kelsey explains like she just wasn’t breaking down on me. She’s a strong-as-fuck woman. “Oh my god, what is that on your chin!” A bruise must be appearing. I’ve been too busy worrying about Kels to think about a damn lick to my jaw.

“I’m fine, siren.” Her soft, delicate hand touches my jaw, lightly trailing the tips of her fingers along my skin.

“I’m not happy about this, not one bit.” She may be touching me; her fire is aimed at her dad, though.

“We’re good. He’d do similar in my shoes, and don’t think any different. Now, are you two ready to go home,” Ed’s states more than asks.

“I’m going home with Talon. I’ll be home early to get ready for work.” I watch as my siren crosses her arms over her chest, much like her dad did earlier today, and waits him out.

“I figured. Text your mother from Talon’s phone if yours still isn’t working.” Kelsey’s smile slowly grows bigger. She won a battle I’d never let her fight alone, and Ed is well aware of the fact.

“I will. I’ll probably go to the cell phone store after work, too, just in case.” Ed is happy with this idea, since he gives a slight nod as his response.

“Let’s roll before the law comes out to play,” he states. It’s not a matter of if; it’s a matter of when.

“Sounds good to me. Kels, take a seat. I’ll grab you a towel for the ride back.” I watch as she sits on the bench of the center console. The storage is right behind where she is sitting, and it doesn’t take me long to find what I’m looking for.

“Thank you.” She wraps the blanket around her, and I move to stand to her left as we slowly make our way away from the island. It’s not until the power poles are up and we’re I’m not longer backing up in the water when I feel her arms wrap around my waist.

“I’ve got you, siren. Always.” She probably can’t hear my words with the boats running and the waves hitting the boat, so I do the next best thing. My hand finds Kelsey’s and I lace our fingers together, holding her the only way I can right now.



“Shower with me?” I ask Talon after our boat ride home. Dad went his way and we went ours. Of course, Talon being Talon wouldn’t let me so much as lift a finger. I was told to sit still while he tied the boat up, and once he was done, the ridiculousness really began. Talon refused to let me walk, going as far as to carry me off the boat, up the sidewalk of his house, and the whole way through until we made it to the master bedroom.

“No other place I’d rather be, Kels.” I’m lowered to the ground, and I watch as he pulls his shirt off. One hand goes to the back of his neck, the fabric comes away, and I’m left with a view of Talon in nothing but a pair of swim trunks. I’m in a lust-induced stupor as his hands lower his bottoms. “Gonna need you to get with the program.”

“Whoopsies.” He drops his shorts while my mind is still not playing catch-up. He’s not helping matters either. I mean, who can focus when his massive cock is readily available and so close to me? Long, thick, with a slight curve, lying heavily against his abdomen.

“Need help?” he asks after turning on the water for our shower. I tear my eyes away from his dick to look into his moss-green eyes, and what does the man do? He fries my brain cells further with a lick of his lips.

“I’m sorry, what?” It’s official. Talon Scott is ruining me in the best way possible. Never mind death by orgasm. Love at first sight with dick will more than do the trick.

“Yeah, I can see you need help.” He takes a step closer, hands going to the button of my jean shorts, flicking it open. They’re loose enough even with being wet that a shimmy of my legs has them falling to the floor. Finally, I get my mind to cooperate with my body. Our hands touch when Talon is working my bikini style panties as I grasp the hem of my tank top and pull it up and over my head. “Damn, siren, you’re fucking gorgeous.” I step out of my shorts as well as my panties. Once my shirt is on the ground, my bra comes next. I need to feel his skin against mine.

“Talon.” He pounces, hands cupping my cheeks, mouth on mine, and body to body. I feel him for the first time. There’s nothing between us, not clothes, not him being a grumpy alpha male, not my parents. It’s us, no one else. I arch up, wishing I had the added height to use in my favor. His cock is nowhere near my aching center. My leg hitches over his waist in an attempt to climb him, which seems to be my usual where Talon is concerned.

“Goddamn. I’ve gotta get protection.”

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