Page 14 of Wild Ace

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Why does him taking care of me sound so damn good? I can tell he knows how to take care of a woman, in every aspect of the term. And his kindness is shocking to me. I’m not used to people helping me, but I’ll take it right now because I’m so tired of doing everything myself.

“Now, let’s go find the doctor and get you your answers.”

“Okay,” I say softly, and his hand slides down my arm before falling back to his side. “Does that mean you’re going to tell them you’re my husband again?”

“You caught that, did you?” He smirks, the playful twinkle returning to his eyes. “I said what I had to say. Do you have a problem with it? Or maybe you liked the way it sounded too much?”

Smiling, I roll my eyes. “You need to relax. I’ve only just met you. And how do I know it’s not you who liked the way it sounded too much?”

“I didn’t mind it.” He winks, leaving me with my mouth hanging open as he walks up to the nurse’s station.

He needs to stop, but I also don’t want him to stop.

“I need to know when Dr. Weiss is coming to talk to his granddaughter about Frank Manzato and the results of his CT scan,” he says to the nurse behind the desk, flustering her with his charm

“He’s doing his rounds now. He’ll get to Mr. Manzato’s room soon,” she says politely, practically batting her eyelashes at him, and I have to hide rolling my eyes.

“I’d love it if you would page him to come here now. You can tell him Vinny Carfano is waiting if that helps,” he tells her, and her eyes widen.

“Right, of course.” She reaches for the phone and pages Dr. Weiss over the intercom, which is when her eyes slide over to me to give me a once-over – sizing me up. I give her a polite smile in return, not letting her think her opinion has any effect on me. I’m not with Vinny. Technically, right now, he’s with me.

The doctor shows up a minute later, looking annoyed that he was called away from his routine rounds. “What is it, Shawna?”

“Mr. Carfano is here about Mr. Manzato,” she tells him softly, and Dr. Weiss turns his cool gaze to Vinny.

“What can I do for you, Mr. Carfano?”

“I would like an update on Mr. Manzato.”’

“Let me grab his chart and I’ll meet you in his room.”

“Good. Thank you.” Vinny flashes him a grin that’s friendly, but at the same, predatory. He knows he’s in charge here, and I’m not going to deny that I like him using his power to help me.

Placing his hand on my elbow, Vinny walks us back to the room, but instead of going inside, I take a seat in one of the chairs in the hall. My feet are killing me. They were numb for a while, but now that the liquor is gone from my system and the frantic panic has subsided, the throbbing of my feet in these heels has pushed its way to the forefront of my mind.

Vinny doesn’t take the seat beside me, but rather stands beside the door like a personal bodyguard.

“You’re making me nervous,” I tell him, looking at my shoes and rolling my ankles to relieve some of the ache. “You’re acting like he needs protecting even while in here.”

“I’m just standing here to give you space,” he says, and I look over at him to find a sexy little smirk gracing his lips that I wish I knew the taste of already. “I don’t mean to make you nervous, dolcezza.”

I want to tell him I don’t like that one either, but the way he says it has me hesitating, which makes his smirk grow.

“Ah, I see I’ve found the right one for you. Dolcezza it is. And I’d bet everything I have that you really are sweet. Both your taste” – he winks – “and your heart.”

“I’m not so sure about that,” I tell him, looking away and ignoring the part about how I’d taste.

“I am.”

I smile and scoff. “You don’t know me.”

“Exactly. And I can still tell.”

I roll my ankles again and look up at him, seeing sincerity in his dark gaze.

“Ms. Manzato?” Dr. Weiss comes just in time.

“Yes.” I stand and clear my throat, wincing at the pinching of my toes in these damn heels I wish I could take off. “How’s my grandfather?”

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