Page 90 of Franco DeLuca

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“Got it,” Piero said.

“Everyone on this frequency pay attention to those exiting the office with me. You are to have their backs. We’re taking out the men on the grounds. Only shoot if you have a clear shot.”

“Franco, we understand,” Remo confirmed.

I pointed two fingers toward the patio doors. Our small team nodded, then crouched, filing out of the office. Kennedy stayed close. The rest of the team broke off in different directions. Kennedy peered through the AR-fifteen lens.

Anders soldiers patrolled the property. Kennedy and I held our position behind a patio table. I thought back to my interaction with Anders when Kennedy and I arrived.

His disdain for me was obvious. I was the arrogant bastard who married his daughter without asking for her hand in marriage. Yup, I whisked her off to a beautiful Spanish chapel in San Antonio and married her right before we arrived at her father’s mansion. He wouldn’t ever have accepted me into the family. I was a casualty of war. He only wanted his daughter to stay. He didn’t give a shit that we were starting a family. First, she walked away from him. Then she returned and stood up to him in front of a room full of people. That also might’ve made her dispensable. Or was it a case of if ‘I can’t have her nobody can?’ He tried to kill my wife. If it were up to me, I’d lock her away to keep her safe until this fight was over. But I knew my wife had to make her father pay the ultimate price. Death.

“Franco?” Kennedy whispered.

I peeked at her. “Yes.”

“You’re bleeding.”

Shit, I couldn’t hide my injury anymore. If only I focused on my injury for a brief second before taking care of my wife. Kennedy reached under my shirt and released the Velcro strap on my bulletproof vest, relieving the pressure.

Her hand brushed between the vest and my abdomen.

“Looks like we both need to get checked out when this is over.” She glanced at my blood on her black leather glove.

My head rested on the brick exterior as I blew out a breath. “Thanks, sweetheart.”

Her lips pressed against mine. “You can’t leave me.”

“I won’t. Let’s kick some ass,” I stated.

She wiggled her eyebrows. “I’m ready, baby.”

Kennedy stood on her knees, resting the AR-fifteen on the table. She kissed the silencer, then screwed it onto the muzzle.

“I knew you enjoyed this.” I grinned.

“Yeah, taking out my enemies makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.” Kennedy winked, then peered through the scope and pulled the trigger. She picked off her father’s men one by one along the fence. I heard grass crunching under boots as someone approached to my left. Aiming my rifle, I inched to the edge of the mansion’s exterior wall. I wouldn’t let anyone get near Kennedy. My heart slammed against my ribcage as sweat dripped down my face like buckets of water. Fuck, was my injury worse than it appeared? The throbbing in my abdomen worsened. Before I could aim my rifle around the corner, Kennedy darted toward the middle of the yard.

“Come and get me!” she roared.

“Shit!” I bit out. Finger on the trigger, I ran backward in Kennedy’s direction, dodging a fire pit and outdoor furniture. Painstruckmy body with each step. The second I had a clear shot, I squeezed the trigger.

“Time to die, motherfuckers,” I roared. They fired back as the bullets from my AR-fifteen struck them.

Our team hid amongst the trees outside Anders' property line. Luckily, his mansion didn’t back up to a neighborhood. Our team plucked off our enemies one by one. Damon, Kitura, Orson, and Bonnie opened fire on those inching toward us on our right.

Vigo tossed a duffel bag at my feet. I grabbed three switchblades. “Ettore said more men are coming.”

A devilish grin hit my lips. “It seems Anders wants to tire us out before we get to him. He can try, but we’ll regain our strength before we capture his ass.”

More of Anders' men flooded the yard, hiding behind furniture.

“Kennedy, take these,” I said, placing two orange-colored switchblades in her palm.

Clutching the AR-fifteen in one hand, she peered at the knives like they were Christmas gifts she’d waited on all year long.

“These are my favorite knives. My team knows to collect them from the dead bodies when we’re done.”

My lips parted. Was this a dream? Or did my soulmate just descend from heaven?

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