Page 87 of Franco DeLuca

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“I said shut the fuck up!” Dad roared. A Glock and an AK-Forty-seven rose from underneath the desk.

Everything happened so fast. It felt like I was standing in the middle of a movie watching the chaos erupt around me, but painted in red.

Dad fired a shot into Uncle Anson’s chest as he waved the AK from right to left, spraying bullets across the room. It felt like it had happened in slow motion. I didn’t have time to take cover.

“Ah!” Franco’s loud roar sounded like a wounded wildebeest as it penetrated my ears.

Dad ran to the corner of the room. Franco yelled as he fired his Glock. A bullet struck my father, but it didn’t slow him down.

“Get him!” Franco yelled. The weight of his voice shook the entire room.

“Quinn,” I called out. He was closest to the desk when Uncle Anson was shot.

My hand flew to my chest. “Fuck, it burns,” I bit out through bared teeth, as my legs gave out.

Franco caught me, breaking my fall. He lowered my body to the floor. His wild eyes skated over my body. “Sweetheart, hang on. I’ll get the dress off.” He yanked the tight fabric down my frame, exposing the corset.

“Kennedy, I’m ok,” Quinn shouted. The sound of a gun firing twice hit the air after his words.

“What happened?” I asked. Quinn didn’t answer.

“Kennedy!” Bonnie shouted as she fell to her knees next to Franco. Vigo stood over us, rifle extended. He tapped his earbud. I couldn’t focus on his words.

“My...cousin?” I breathed.

“Kennedy, he’s fine,” Vigo said, putting my mind at ease.

My eyelids felt heavy.

“Hang on, Kennedy. We’ll get it off,” Franco’s words held promise.

My shaky hand hovered over my chest. It felt like my heart would beat out of my chest under the wound.

“Kennedy, are you with me?” Franco asked, panic heavy in his tone.

The metallic smell of blood hung in the air. “Yes, just get it off of me.”

Were my eyes closing? Was that why he asked if I was conscious? My bulletproof vest was no match for the AK-forty-seven bullets.

“Damn, was this what it felt like when Ettore was hit?” I asked Bonnie.

Bonnie leaned over so I could see her face, letting loose a soft chuckle. “Probably, but he has those abs to protect him, too.”

I arched a brow. “Oh, yeah, those abs I bet are really nice.”

Franco growled. “Sweetheart, you aren’t seriously talking about another man’s abs while we’re trying to get you out of this fucking corset?”

“Sorry, baby. It keeps my mind off the pain.”

He grunted. “Then I’ll let it go. Just this one time.”

I laughed again; this time, coughing followed.

“Last hook, Kennedy,” Bonnie confirmed.

Franco tore the vest off my body and immediately gathered me in his arms, shielding my exposed breasts. He carried me to the sofa.

Bonnie ran toward us carrying jeans, a t-shirt, black boots, and another bulletproof vest. My brows pinched together.

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