Page 58 of Franco DeLuca

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“Vigo, drink please.” She extended her gloved hand. Vigo stepped forward and placed the flask in her grip.

Kennedy poured the stream of liquor down her throat. “Whoa, this is always the perfect way to end a kill.”

I tossed the brand onto the table. “Throw his body into the trunk. Then burn this place to the ground,” I ordered to no one in particular.

Kennedy shoved the flask into my hand. “Drink,” she demanded.

I did so, never taking my eyes off of her.

“Kennedy, we need to talk.”

“We do. I’ll tell you what my cousin said.”


Kennedy curled into my side in the backseat of the black Escalade. The truck rolled to a stop outside of Duke’s estate. Kennedy shot up and peered out the window into the dark of night. I rubbed a hand along the small of her back.

“I love when you touch me,” she said still looking out the window.

She didn’t care that Bonnie sat in the driver’s seat in ear shot.

My lips pressed against her neck.

“Franco, I can’t wait any longer,” she whispered.

“I know. Me either. I can feel the heat rolling off your skin.”

Clip and Ettore approached the gate package in hand.

Two of Duke’s guards pointed their weapons at my men.

Saro and Vigo stood firm in their position in front of the Escalade gripping their AK-forty-sevens at their sides.

“I wish I could see Duke’s face,” she sighed.

“Soon, baby.”

I exited the other side of the truck. Hands stuffed in my pockets; I ambled toward the gate. “Good evening, gentlemen. We’re here to deliver a message. If Duke had nothing to do with the hit he has nothing to worry about. If he did.” I shrugged. “Then he’ll pay.”

Clip and Ettore dropped the sack holding Lungy’s battered limp body with his balls stuffed in his mouth. The DeLuca brand stamped on his thigh told them all they needed to know. He tried to kill me and failed.

“Guys have a good evening,” I smiled as I sauntered back to the truck. Just another fun day at the office.

Forty-five minutes later, I exited the shower wearing a pair of gray sweatpants. Kennedy wasn’t in our bed. ‘Our bed.’ The words were foreign on my tongue. I never thought I’d live with a woman. And damn sure didn’t think I’d fall in love.

I sauntered down the hallway toward the living room. Kennedy rested against the arm of the cream leather sofa. Her legs were curled under her body. A tiny lavender robe hid the little shorts and tank top she wore. She brought the glass of whiskey to her lips as she peered at the Olympic sized pool through the floor to ceiling windows. The lights around the pool reflected tranquil aqua hues off the water.

“Kennedy, what did Quinn say when you spoke to him earlier?” I walked deeper into the room.

Her eyes roved my body and her tongue slicked over her lips.

“Kennedy, talk first. And later I’ll fuck you until you come.” I sat beside her.

She sighed. “All right. He was concerned about me of course. He wanted you to know the situation is not what it seems. Quinn said to meet him at my fathers in two days.” Kennedy sipped her whiskey.

“Look at me. What else?”

Her whiskey-colored eyes met mine. “We’re having a party before we avenge our mothers’ deaths. Our fathers killed our mothers. My father also killed my half-sister’s mother. When his women don’t bend to his will, he kills them.”

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