Page 25 of Pleasurable Secrets

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I glanced back at the ring. Zander’s wide eyes fell on Hayden and I. His opponent punched him in the face. Zander fell to the ground. Blood gushing from his forehead. He wasn’t moving. I ran to the cage, banging my open hand against the fence. “Zander, wake up,” I cried.

My brother fell to my side. “Come on, buddy wake up!” he shouted. “Vicky, I called 9-1-1. They’ll be here in a few minutes.

I nodded, tears pouring down my cheeks.

The ambulance arrived. Waiting for first responders felt like hours instead of minutes. The paramedics rushed into the cage with a gurney. I ran inside.

“Miss, you can’t come in here,” One of the officials stated.

“Fuck you. If you don’t want my family to sue you, stand the fuck down,” I roared, dropping to my knees. I could barely make out Zander’s face for the sea of tears. I wiped my face. Sitting close to Zander’s legs, I watched intently as the paramedics checked his vitals.

“Hayden call the Marshalls and tell them to meet us at the hospital.”

He nodded.

I rode with Zander in the back of the ambulance, clutching his hand against my cheek. The shocked expression on his face when he saw Hayden, and I, haunted me.

Zander’s parents talked to the doctor. My mother and father hugged Hayden and me.

“Zander’s an excellent fighter. Why was he off his game?” my father asked. Not really asking us, but trying to wrap his mind around what happened.

Hayden and I couldn’t tell him it was our doing. We were the distractions in the crowd who caused Zander to get laid out.

“Dad, you knew Zander was fighting?” I sniffled.

“Yeah, he’d bring over the disc, and we’d watch his matches.”

I fell against my mother’s shoulder.

“That was cool, Dad,” I smirked.

“Yeah, it was.” Hayden half smiled.

Zander’s mom and dad approached. We greeted each other.

“Zander will be fine,” Mr. Marshall sighed.

“He has light swelling on the brain. The doctor said he’ll make a full recovery. He should wake in the morning.” He smiled. Mrs. Marshall looped her arm around his.

“Thanks for taking such good care of our son.” Her green eyes brightened.

My mother stepped forward and wrapped her arms around her. “You’re welcome.”

I sat at a corner table in the café. My head leaned against the wall. My fucking brother was watching us. Did Hayden follow me to the fight?

The bright lights beamed overhead and the cold air soothed my nerves.

Later that night, while our families sat restless in the waiting room, I dipped into Zander’s hospital room. Dropping in the leather reclining chair at his side, the tears sprung forth again. There was no fucking way I’d give Zander up. My fingers brushed his arm as I marveled his perfect face lost in slumber. Leaning over him, I pressed my lips against his. They were soft and fucking mine. Climbing into the bed, I laid at his side, tossing my arm over his torso. My eyes fluttered open then shut.

“Excuse me. Miss. Miss.” I heard.

One eye popped open. “Yes?”

The nurse stared back at me. I glanced around the room.

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