Page 14 of Pleasurable Secrets

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“Oh,” she stated, in a low voice.

“What did they do this time?”

I removed the ice from my head and peeked at her from behind my aviator sunglasses. “My father manipulated me last summer. I loved my birthday present, a Lamborghini. It was what he said in my ear that’s kept me wound up this summer.”

“Tell me already, Zander.”

“I can major in whatever subject I want but I better study architecture too. And I have to get good grades.”

“But you are always drawing something. Don’t let this go to your head. You are talented. Your father is probably aware of that talent and doesn’t want it to go to waste.”

I chuckled. “My brother couldn’t wait to impress Thatcher. I’m aware of my skills, Vicky. You’re right. I love to draw. But I don’t want to make him happy or take over the stupid architecture firm.”

“What did your mom say?”

“I didn’t tell her. Vicky, he walks in and out of her life. Why won’t she tell him to leave?”

“Because she loves him, Zander.”

My jaw ticked. “Do you know why I am always at your house?”

“Hayden and the video games.”

I smirked. “Yeah, he’s like a brother who’s the same age. Owen is awesome, don’t get me wrong. But I love the way your father treats your mother. There’s a glint in his eyes when he stares at her from across the room.”

“Never would have pegged you for a romantic. Didn’t look romantic the way you fucked that girl on the side of our house.”

I slipped my fingers through my dark curly hair and sighed. “I wasn’t in a good head space that night. The woman I wanted made it clear we didn’t have a shot at an us, so I took my frustrations out on the first girl who begged me to fuck her,” I growled.

“After that night, Vicky I was done chasing you. I returned home for the first time in years. Spent time with my family.”

“Yeah, shocked you asked Hayden to hang at your house last summer.”

“Hayden said you weren’t around much over the summer.” I held the back of my head.

“Nope, I traveled a lot,” she stated.

Laughter spilled from my lips. Leaning in her direction I met her blue-eyed gaze. “Admit you missed me. You want to fuck now, because I’m going away to college soon. But I won’t fuck you, Vicky.”

She gaped.

“Nope. You told me to fuck you so I can get it out of my system. The problem is, I’ve loved you since I could remember. Didn’t matter how shitty you treated me. My love for you ran deep. I know you better than anyone. No one knows how broken you were when your mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. That was the first time I’d ever seen you cry. Revealed you were human and had a heart.”

She turned away.

“Not trying to make you feel bad, Vicky. The douche bag guys you settle for will never be able to satisfy you.”

She yanked her head back in my direction.

“Yup, I said it. A piece of that ice-cold heart pumps for me.”

She scowled. “Don’t flatter yourself, wolf boy.”

A devilish smile curled the ends of my lips. I stood and slid my cap low over my thick brow. “Well, I’m going fishing. Sun bathe, join me, or not.” Gripping my head, I walked away.

The overhead deck shaded the back of the yacht. Perfect day to fish. I grabbed my fishing rod and placed the bait on the hook. Sitting in the chair by the rail, I cast the spinning reel.

Vicky appeared in my peripheral. I jumped. “I guess you’ll keep startling me today.”

“Yeah, I guess so.”

I secured my rod.

“What do you want from me?”

“Nothing anymore. You already shut me down.” I sank back into my comfortable chair.

She sat beside me and chuckled. “You just shot me down if I recall.”

“Yup, because there’s no way I could fuck you one time, Vicky. You told me that was the deal. Fuck you and get you out of my system. There’s no chance of that happening. I’ll only want you more.”

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