Page 9 of Hector's Reward

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Chapter Six


I sit across from her on the other side of her father’s ridiculously huge desk. She is going through files on his ancient computer while I go through several ledger books we found in the safe. I am floored by the sheer amount of business he has. One, in particular, stands out. A Russian restaurant in Jersey City that brings in $50,000 dollars a day. That must be some damn expensive borscht. A quick Google search tells me that it is run by none other Leo Popov. He is one of the many nephews of Kostas Popov, the head of the Russian mob. This dead motherfucker was in bed with the Popov’s. Standing quickly, I let all the paperwork in my lap fall to the ground. Carmen jumps a little.

“What’s wrong?” she asks.

“We gotta go, now,” I say. There is no way I can let these fucks think this thing is still going on. Since no one outside the family know that Luis is dead, this bullshit is still in play.

“Where are we going?” she asks, confused. She does stand and move around the desk, coming to my side.

“Jersey fucking City,” I say leading her out of the room. In my truck, she sings along to the music playing on the radio. If I wasn’t so pissed right now, I’d find this amusing. She reaches over and turns the radio off, then rests her hand on my thigh. Her touch immediately calms me.

“Why are we going to Jersey City, babe?”

“Your father was dealing with the Russians.”

“What do you mean dealing with?”

“He was working with them, Carmen.”

“How so?” she says, genuinely shocked. “I mean, he didn’t even like those guys.”

“He liked one of them to the tune of fifty thousand dollars a day.”

“Fifty thousand?”

“A day.”

“Why have I not found that anywhere? Nothing in the safes or bank accounts. No deposits that big anywhere.”

“That’s what we are going to find out. Are you strapped?” I ask her.

“Yeah. Of course,” she says tapping her left boot.

“There’s an extra gun in the glove box. Use that instead of your knife. This might go bad. I need to know that have what you need to protect yourself.”

“You think it’ll go south?” she asks grabbing the gun and checking the clip.

“I do. The Russians don’t play, but neither do I.”

“So, what’s the plan?”

“I'll figure that out when we get there. I am not sure what we will be walking into.”

“Ok, I’ll defer to you, sir,” she says giggling. That is such a sweet sound.

“Alright, smart ass,” I say chuckling.

We pull up to Zdorovye and get out of the truck. I decide to go in the front door as if we were patrons. It is actually packed with a wait, but there is no way it makes that much money on the food alone. No way in hell.

“Welcome to Zdorovye. Table for two?” The hostess asks.

“Actually, I am here to see Leo,” I say.

“Oh, sure. You can go on back. The last door on the left, past the restrooms.”

“Perfect. Thanks.” Taking Carmen’s hand, I weave us through the throng of people to the back of the restaurant. The office door is open. I am surprised by that, but Leo is just sitting at his desk going over what looks like purchase orders.

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