Page 10 of Hector's Reward

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“What can I help you with? Did Natalya sneeze in your food? I should really send her home. Poor girl. Let me have your receipt and I take care of your meal.”

“Uh, no. That’s not why we are here,” I say. His demeanor has caught me off guard.

“Oh, sorry. What can I help you with?”

“I’m Carmen Abrantes,” Carmen says. I watch Leo’s eyes widen. “My father passed away yesterday and your name appears in several ledgers along with the exorbitant amount of money. I was wondering what the hell it was.”

“Close the door, please.” I do so. “Have a seat,” he says gesturing to the chairs in front of his desk. We take a seat.

“Are you taking over?” he asks, visibly nervous.

“I am and I am out of the loop on this one,” she answers calmly.

“I am not sure if we should continue. Your father was a ruthless man without morals. How can I be sure you are too?”

“Try me,” she says leaning back in the chair, crossing her legs.

“Who is this?” he asks, pointing to me.

“This is my husband. He’s ruthless too.”

“Fine. We bring domestic help over here from Russia for a finder’s fee.”

“Domestic help?”

“Maids and nannies mostly.”

“I’m confused. Do these women get paid once they are here?”

“Of course. They pay the fees. We get them passports and work visas that they wouldn’t otherwise be able to get. They aren’t slaves. We don’t hold the passports hostage once they get here. They are free to do as they please once they are here. It’s a service we provide.”

“I see.” Carmen sits there thinking about it. “Can you show me the files on the women?” I can tell something isn’t right with this. This doesn’t seem like you’d need to be immoral for this. This actually doesn't seem like a bad deal.

“We don’t keep records,” he hedges, looking around.

“Bullshit,” I say. “You’d need to keep some pretty extensive records in order to hide that kind of money.” I pull my gun and point it directly at him. “Give her the records now.” He fumbles around and pulls out several accordion files and shoves them at her. She opens the first one and gasps.

“I fucking knew it. They trafficked women for sex. For sex.”

“Go tell the hostess the restaurant is closed. Everyone needs to leave now. Everyone.”

“What should I tell her?”

“Gas leak.” Carmen leaves to do as I asked. Leo and I stare at each other. He moves his arm. “Don’t even think about it.”

“If she’s going to be in this business, she needs a thicker skin.”

“You think I’d let my wife traffic women. Only piss poor excuses for men who can’t get a woman do disgusting shit like that.”

“But there is so much money in it,” he says.

“Ok, everyone is gone but his crew. They refused to leave without him.” Carmen says coming back into the room.

“How many?”


“I’ve got enough bullets for that,” I say cocking my pistol.

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