Page 60 of The Hitman's Vice

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“Or you can sign some simple annulment papers andtake your job back.”

There it is. The twist. “I don’t mind anoffice when you put it that way.”

“Sure about that?” The boss’s eyes were sharp asDane’s favorite knife. “You’ve never had a legit job, son. You’re afuckin’ killer. It’s in your blood, and it’s sure as shit in yoursoul. I know you like your work. Tell me you haven’t been itchinglike an addict at rehab the last three weeks.”

Dane glowered, his gaze locking with Adam’s. “Youknow I can’t tell you that.” Even pulling the knife on Ryan spunhim onto a high. “But I will never choose anything over Zara.”Not again. She won’t forgive me again.He’d had four yearson her bad side, and weeks in Missouri living for the job, feelingthe heartbreak in every waking second—and most of the sleepingones. He could live for the job, he’d already been doing that. ButMissouri made it clear what that was going to be when the job neverincluded her again, and neither did his time off. He didn’t likewho he’d be without her around, and he sure as hell didn’t like howhe felt. “I can’t.”

“So be it.” Adam returned to his chair. This time hefilled two more cups as well as his own and pushed them across thetable. “Sit down, boys. We’re going to have some familydiscussions.” Dane waited for Ryan to move and cast a worriedglance at the doorway before sitting beside Zara’s half-brother,facing Adam’s inscrutable features.

Adam rubbed his bruising knuckles and Dane tried notto feel their imprint. “You know, shit would’ve been so much easierif you’d just fallen for Gianna? Fucking Christ. That girl’s madeto marry someone on the wrong side of the world. ButZara?”

“She’s tougher than you think,” Dane said, reachingfor the glass but not drinking.

“I never said she wasn’t tough.”

“I think he means she’s not an ice-hearted bitch.”Grim saluted, then sipped from his glass.

“See? He’s met his sisters. He knows.” Adamshrugged. “Zara’s sweet. She’s kind. She’s a fucking geneticanomaly. Her and Caleb. Not sure where the hell they came from. Myblessed mother always said changelings ran in the family. I figuredit was just her going batty.”

“You mean, there might be legit Fitzgeralds out inthe world, completely unaware that you’re their dad.” Ryan’s lipstightened. “Wonder what that’d be like…”

“Son, that’s not the meaning there. I told you, yourmother was worried about this family and what it would do toyou.”

Grim burst into laughter. “Well, thanks to her, I’man upstanding fucking citizen, right?”

Adam’s attention swung back to Dane. “Zara’s goingto be worried about you on every assignment. Every night you don’tcome home. Every missed call. Every time there’s blood you forgetto clean off your socks or some shit. The girl could barely makeherself tell me she wanted to change majors, and you’re aiming hertoward that?”

“I tried telling her.” He frowned, staring at hiswavering reflection in the liquor. “But she doesn’t have to worryabout jackals from within now,” he said, opting to take a swipe ather psychotic brother’s ghost. “She’ll be safe.”

“And if she gets pregnant, and it turns out she hasher mother’s … difficulties?” Adam’s pause was all the closer he’dget to describing his first wife’s mental struggles. The ones thathad distracted everyone from Bennett’s early warning signs andcaused endless drama until the divorce and effective medicationssteadied her.

“If that happens, we will deal with it. Together.”Dane took a sip and set the glass back on the table. “In sicknessand in health, right? I didn’t make those vows lightly. Whatevershe needs, I’ll see that she gets it. But, I can’t worry aboutwhat-ifs that may never happen.”

Adam snorted. “Son, if she’s not already pregnant,I’ll eat the damn tray. I’ve got how many kids?”

“Do you even know?” Ryan asked, grinning.

“Living? At last count, eight. Keep pushing, I’llconsider moving down to seven.”

“Poor Caleb.”

This time, Dane laughed. “I see your point, Boss.Mine still stands. We’ll deal with tomorrow as it happens. Ashusband and wife.”

“As long as you also deal with the damn due date,”Adam replied. “I don’t remember how long you’re allowed to put heron planes for. And considering you’ll be working in DC with Ethanfor a while…”

“She’s not pregnant.” Though now we aren’t facing afiring squad, the thought didn’t scare him. Zara wasn’t her mom—andeven if she was, he felt rock-solid faith in their ability to findthe right path through it.Jesus, it really doesn’t. Maybe I’mthe one who needs a shrink.

Adam only smirked. “Care to put money onthat?”

“Not if he has a kid on the way.” Grim emptied hisglass. “But he’s right, Dad. If she’s knocked up, what choice dothey have? They figure it out. And if they don’t figure it out…Well, they’d better.”

Adam spread his arms like some old-fashioned bishop.“Oh, don’t look so worried, boys. This is all ceremonial. So thatlater, when you’re completely fucked, you can’t look back andpretend I didn’t give you plenty of time to get the hell out of themess.”

Dane managed not to glare. Somehow. “Thanks.” Hegrabbed his glass, threw his head back to empty it, swallowed hard,and slammed it on the table. “So, do I call you Dad now?”

“Why not? Joey keeps doing it.” Adam grimaced. Heglanced out toward the harbor, his expression strange. “Well. Let’sget the girls back in so Zara can see you’re not maimed.” Adamgestured to the silent guard, who put a hand to his ear, switchingon communications to summon Sawyer and the twins.

They all returned in a rush of whispered argumentsand Sawyer’s muttered curses. The second Zara stepped across thethreshold, she ran for Dane as if throwing herself into his armswould deflect any damage her father intended. “Dad, youpromised!”

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