Page 30 of The Hitman's Vice

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His eyes were closed, and his lips parted ashe took a deep breath. His chest heaved, and he ran a shaky handthrough his hair, pushing the wayward strands out of his face, offhis sweat-dampened forehead. Then, after a few more breaths, heopened his eyes, and even in the barest of lights, they stillmanaged to twinkle with something. Pleasure? Delight? She hopedso.

“That, uh, wasn’t how I saw that going,” headmitted breathlessly. “But your idea was better.”

“Was it?” She beamed, relaxing with thepraise. He wasn’t likely to say something to make her feelbetter.

“Christ, Z. I just…” Their eyes met, and hisexpression softened. “Yeah.”

“I figured it was time to return the favor,that’s all. I’m, um, glad it wasn’t terrible. You’re, you know, alittle oversized.”

“Am I?” His hands caught her arms, drawingher close.

“Don’t fake modesty now, babe. It’s likefifteen years too late.” She set her cheek on his chest, listeningto his heartbeat as it evened out.

“I should get you back to the car. We stayout here much longer, and I’ll have you on your back. Then Sawyerreally will have to bail us out in the morning.”

“There’s the swagger.” Zara sniffeddisdainfully while Dane grinned.

“You know I’m right.”

“Hm.”But he is right as hell.Dammit.“It wouldn’t be so bad if he wouldn’t tell Vince. AndDad was safely vacationing in, uh, Nepal. That might be farenough.” His answering laugh sounded deeper with her head againsthis chest, and she clung to him, watching the fading light beyondthe trees. Why did this feel so good? Almost better thanorgasms.

“Saw wouldn’t say shit.” His lips touchedher hair. “But with your dad this far west of the Himalayas, it’sbest not to risk it.”

He steadied her as they got to their feet.She busied herself with straightening her dress and wiping theworst of the dirt from her knees, listening to the rustle of hispants as he adjusted them and fastened his belt, tucking his shirtin. If she watched him get dressed, she’d just want to undo all hiswork.

Without saying anything, he held his handout for her, and she took it without hesitation, letting him helpher back to the car. She managed not to dissolve into a puddle ofgoo when his fingers slid through hers.

Zara settled into the leather seat, watchingthe streetlights drift past as Dane took her home. They had so muchstill to talk about, but she just wanted to feel his hand steady onhers.We’ll figure it out later. We’re together now. It’ll beokay.

Chapter Three


Chicago, Illinois, August 27

“Boss will see you now.”

Dane nodded at the announcement from thehead of security, turning away from the bookshelf he’d beenpretending to browse. As if he hadn’t had time to memorize most ofthe Fitzgeralds’ library catalog. “Thanks.”

“Don’t thank me yet. I’m not sending you inwith a flak jacket,” Vince grumbled.

“I’ll be fine.”Probably.Dane spenthalf his life getting called into the boss’s office. As a kid, itwas always with Ben standing beside him and Adam and Michael behindthe desk playing their own good-boss, bad-enforcer game. Thatchanged in his late teens. As a new recruit, Vince gave him hisassignments at the door—or any other convenient location in thecity—and sent him on his way. These days, he was back to being anoffice guest so Adam could brief him directly. Dane took it as agood sign. One day he might take his father’s place besidewhichever Fitzgerald assumed Adam’s.

Please let it be a job today.Don’t let this be about Dad.

He didn’t want to process it anymore. If hewilled himself to forget Michael wasdead, he could almostconvince himself it was one more long, out-of-town contract. Danewasn’t sure he was up to facing it more directly than that.

He heard Vince close the door behind him, sohe stopped in the center of the room, waiting for Adam to saysomething. The older man sat at a massive, gleaming wood desk thatmight’ve come from some old country villa. Fresh air flittedthrough the tall, open windows, stirring the filmy silk curtains.Adam closed the green folder he’d been flipping through and turnedin his high-backed leather chair to face Dane fully.

“Drink, son?”

Dane followed Adam’s gesture to the crystaldecanter at the far side of the room, then slowly shook his head.“No, thank you, sir.”

Adam tapped the chair arm before sitting upand adjusting his dark-gray coat. “Then have a seat.”

Dane unbuttoned his suit jacket as heobeyed, sitting in one of the smaller chairs opposite Adam’s desk.“Is this about Brandon?”

“No.” He pushed a folder across the polishedwooden expanse. “I’ve got something else that needs yourattention.”

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