Page 29 of The Hitman's Vice

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“I think I’d have missed arguing if Imanaged to win more often.” His hands moved up her legs as if he’dread her mind. “Even when I’m right, I still lose. How do you dothat?”

“No idea.” She touched his hair, sliding herfingers through the soft, dark strands. “If it helps, I don’t thinkI won either. Let’s call it a tie.”

Dane’s brows rose. “If nobody won, how canwe kiss and make up?”

“Like this.” She closed the distance betweenthem. He didn’t move until their lips touched. Zara ran her handsover his broad shoulders, tracking the strap of his holster, theseams of his jacket, and wishing it would all evaporate.

His fingers curled around her legs, hookingbehind her knees to drag her closer. Her sundress was long enoughto keep her skin from scraping on the stone, but he pushed ithigher once he got her on the edge. She moaned into his mouth whenhe ground against her. “Something like this. Maybe more…” His handsroamed higher, his fingers teased the edge of her panties. Zaratrembled, biting her lip to keep from crying out when a singlefinger stroked the center of the damp silk.

“Dane, are you seriously… here?” Zara kepther fingers busy tracing his shirt collar and threading his hair.She might forget herself and reach for his belt if shedidn’t.

“I know this doesn’t have the allure of adiner or drive-thru.” He stroked her again, then withdrew his hand,leaning forward to kiss her lips softly. “I can stop if youwant.”

“I don’t ever want you to stop. I just alsodon’t want to get arrested.” She reached down to keep his handwhere it was.

“You think I’d let that happen?”

Zara giggled, as much from amusement asnerves, but she tilted her hips to move her body against hisstilled hand. “Okay. I don’t want my orgasm to lead to multiplehomicides?”

“Multiple, huh?”

“You know what I mean.”

“Mm. I do.” His fingers returned to life,pushing her panties to one side as he laid a slow line of kissesdown her shoulder. “If you saw yourself orgasm, Z, you’d know it’dbe worth taking a few lives.” His finger circled her opening, thesilk no longer a barrier between them. “I don’t think it’ll come tothat. Not if you can stay quiet.”

The heat on her cheeks flared. This time shedid squirm against Dane’s teasing, though still not pulling away.“What if I can’t…?”

“Then we watch the sun finish setting. Goback to the car. I’ll take you home. You write that paper you liedabout.” He chuckled, flicking her clit, making her jump and biteback a yelp. “Or we can find something to keep your mouthbusy.”

Bastard.This was the problem withplaying with someone who knew you—he knew exactly which imagespopped into her head, and they were all about his damn dick. Zaraleaned into him, sighing against his throat as his thumb did someexplosive magic trick with her clit. “Now who’s winning arguments?”Finally, she gave in and reached for his belt.

“No.” He jerked his hips back, leaving herbaffled for a split-second before thrusting his long finger insideher. “You first, Zara.”

That order earned a whimper and a full-bodyshiver. “O-okay…” Zara kept her gaze locked on Dane’s face, likeshe would in any tense moment, though this was admittedly a lotmore fun. His hard jaw, dark stubble framing sinfully soft lips …she caught his shoulder to steady herself as her body rocked underhis touch. It didn’t take long.

“That’s it, baby girl,” he whispered. Hetimed the encouragement with faster movements before he capturedher lips to swallow the sound she didn’t catch.

Dane was terrifyingly good with his hands,and those long, clever fingers found every tingling nerve ending,ratcheting up the tension inside her. His thumb circled herclit—lighter, then rougher to push her higher, varying his patternto tease her to the edge. Zara clenched her jaw, covered her mouthin one hand, and collapsed into Dane’s chest. For all her goodintentions, she couldn’t quite stop the soft, desperate moans shetried to hide with his jacket. “Please, Dane…”

“Shh. I’ve got you. Give it to me,Z.”

The orgasm washed over her, leaving hershaky, breathless, and so very wet. “Dane, s-stop, I can’t … onemore of that and … I’ll be screaming.”

He rocked back on his heels, pulling hishand away. The last dregs of sunlight allowed Zara to see theplayful grin on his face just as he lifted his slick fingers to hismouth, licking them as his eyes fixed on hers. Her body warmedagain—she knew exactly what that tongue could do. “Come here.” Hisother hand wrapped gently around her wrist, pulling her to thegrass with him. He guided her palm to cover the bulge at the frontof his pants, his breath hitching when she squeezed himinstinctively.

“Mm. You really are hot when you’re bossy.”The attitude generally pissed her off and had ended more than a fewintimate encounters. With Dane, she didn’t have to worry he’d gettoo wrapped up in the role or cause pain he didn’tintend.

Zara worked his zipper down, freeing hiserection to the open air for barely a second before she went downon him. They’d ended up splayed on the grass, mostly hidden fromthe path by the stone bench and the angle of the hills, but sheimagined how they would look on camera and promptly brought herlegs closer together to fend off a throb of arousal. Not helped bythe thick cock in her mouth and most of her airway.

Right. Concentrate.This is going torequire focus. She wrapped a hand around the inches that wouldn’tfit into her throat—now was not the moment to get brave aboutattempting deep-throat hijinks—and started working Dane’s cock withfingers, tongue, and lips, trying to keep her teeth as polite aspossible.Jesus, now would be an excellent time to have a trickjaw…

“Zara…” She felt his hand settle on the backof her head, his fingers pressing against her scalp as they curledin her hair, gripping without pulling. He wobbled, catching himselfon the stone bench, but it wasn’t enough to throw off her rhythm.He made the sweetest, softest moaning sounds, and she kept tryingto get more of them, licking and sucking even as her jaw beganaching. She also wondered what it would take to get him to losecontrol. To scream for her. “Gonna cum, sweetheart. I—”

“Mmm.” She’d guessed as much but didn’tcare. She turned her eyes upward to see his tense, desperatefeatures before pushing her mouth ever so slightly further down hisshaft until the tip hit the back of her throat. Not enough to gag,but a silent statement of intent. He cursed—or made noises thatsounded like they were meant to be curses—and his broad handalready tangled in her hair tightened. His hips rose, and she feltthe telltale pulse at the base. She squeezed him, sucking harderuntil his cum jetted into her throat.

“Fucking perfect, Z. Fucking …yes…”

She swallowed quickly, moaning approvalwhile he whispered her name and a half-coherent string of praises.With everything finished, Zara released him and raised her head tocheck his mood.

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