Page 21 of The Hitman's Vice

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“It mattered,” he rasped. “But it’s my jobto protect you. No matter what. In every way I can.”

She glared through the waterworks. “What thehell are you protecting me from in this scenario, Dane? An orgasm?Dad formally admitting I’m not the favorite? What?”

He could’ve ignored a smile, could haveresisted a pretty laugh. But tears? Those always shorted his brainout. He reached for her before he understood what he was about todo and pressed his lips against hers. “I’m sorry.” He cradled theback of her head, threading his fingers into that perfect ponytail,and held her as he deepened the kiss.

“You better be,” she answered when theyparted for the barest breath. Then she was on his lap, her handstangling in his hair. The ancient coffee table didn’t even groanbeneath the added weight, but Dane did. She was so damn warm. Andshe tasted like candy. “Don’t stop this time.”

“Not this time.” That line between sanityand suicide blurred with every heartbeat, every soft exhale shemade against his mouth. Years of fantasies and endless hungerblazed through his last brain cell. Circling an arm around her, hestood and turned, laying her on the couch. He lowered himself ontop of her, reveling in those sweet curves fitting against him.“Not unless you want me to.”

“Don’t you dare.” Zara’s nails dug into hisarms.

“I won’t.” He pushed her flowy dress up toher waist, groaning at the glimpse of black silk against her paleskin, and settled his hips between her thighs. He sighed as herocked against her, letting her feel his erection. She always hadthat effect—he had no idea how many guard shifts ended with a coldshower or a frantic jerk-off—but feeling her heat so close, he wasthrobbing like a teenager who just got his first up-close look atcleavage.

Zara moaned his name, her legs wrappingaround his hips as she freed his shirt from his pants. “Won’twhat?” she challenged between increasingly ragged kisses. “Drop meoff at the house aching for you? Because I’m freaking tired of thatgame, D.” But her voice had that familiar laughing edge, even if itwas a little at odds with how she whimpered when he ground his cockagainst her panties.

“I’ll make it up to you.” Pushing himselfonto his knees, Dane unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off,letting it hang over the back of the couch. His undershirt wentnext, tossed somewhere. He was too mesmerized by the look in hereyes to care.

“How, exactly?”

He put both hands on her hips and pushed herdress even higher.God, she’s tiny. How the fuck is this gonnawork?The doubts blossomed in his mind, but her bare thigh,warm and taut under his palm, shorted everything elseout.“Patience, baby girl. You’re so fucking beautiful,” hewhispered as his fingers hooked under the band of her panties,pulling them down her smooth legs. “I’m not rushingthis.”

“Says the hottest man in the world,” sheanswered, grinning as she dragged the dress over her head. Theblack panties fell away, leaving her in a black lace bra meant tobe ripped off. The teasing glimpse of her peachy nipples beneathnearly snapped his control. Zara’s legs parted as she sat up enoughto reach for him, her fingers tracing a scar along his left side.“Is this where you go full alpha male and drag me into a sexdungeon?”

“How’d you know?” He got his arm around herand lifted, firmly gripping her ass, holding her in place againsthim as he walked to his bedroom. Thankfully, he’d left the blindsslatted open far enough that he didn’t need to fumble for theswitch to see her creamy skin and rising blush.

“Thank God. I was worried I’d have to playteacher.” She giggled until he dropped her on the bed. He stoodwith his knees between her legs—fuck if he was letting her shutthem anytime soon—and unfastened his belt.

“I’d rather you played somethingelse.”

“Oh?” Zara’s eyes fixed on his, and shepushed his hands away from his belt to finish dragging it free. “Ipromise to be very submissive after you’re naked.”

“Do you?” He grated the question out betweenjaws almost locked with tension. If she kept talking aboutsubmission, he would lose his mind.

She flicked his zipper down, shoved hispants over his hips, then pressed her hand against the bulge in hisbriefs. Her eyebrows flew up. “Okay, maybe I’ll be submissive now?Fuck, Dane. I didn’t know I was supposed to be practicing with pornstars.”

“Hush.” Dane laughed and bent down, cuppingher cheeks as he kissed her. He let his fingers glide gently overher neck, her shoulders, along her back to the fastenings of herbra, which gave way easily. He let out a heavy breath, ghosting hisfingers over her left nipple with a featherlight touch.Perfect.She’s so fucking perfect.“Don’t I always take care ofyou?”

“Yeah. You do.” Zara’s amusement flickered,something far more vulnerable showing for a split-second.

“Then lay back for me. And close youreyes.”

Her unearthly gaze met his again before sheobeyed. Her head met the mattress, and her eyes closed, but shebrought one arm up across her breasts. “I swear if you hop into afurry suit or bust out a bunch of alien sex toys…”

“Don’t worry. I never get that out beforethe third date.”

“Then what am I doing?”

“Being a good girl.” Dane held back, lettingher anticipation and nerves build her tension. He waited for thatcrease between her brow, the subtle pout of her gorgeous lips, andthen his hands were on her, exploring. Slowly. He took extra carewhen he got to her breasts, kneading and massaging, teasing hernipples to a peak before bending over her to take one between hislips. His moan matched hers. He’d dreamed of her like this toomuch, too desperately. He drank in every inch of her like he’d beenstarving for years.

I have. I did. Every night I wasn’t cominghome to her was fucking wasted.

He nipped lightly with his teeth, revelingin her moans, and stroked her with his tongue, savoring every noiseshe made. He kissed a deliberate path to the valley between herbreasts, but instead of giving equal attention to the other, hebegan moving down her abdomen, kissing and licking her velvet-softskin until he knelt on the floor, teasing her trembling thighs,breathing in her scent. She’d gone Brazilian, and his brain blankedout at his first glimpse of her bare, glistening folds.

His erection ached, and it cost every ounceof control he had not to just stand up and drive into her. “Tellme.” He pressed a kiss just above her pussy. “Did you ever thinkabout me here? Like this?”

It was gratifying how many gasping breathsZara took before an actual sentence escaped her lips. “I … I …don’t, um. I don’t know.”

“You’re lying.” He nuzzled her thigh andleft a gentle nip that made her twitch. “How many times?”

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