Page 75 of Toro

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Isabella watched him go. She felt numb. This wasn’t supposed to happen. She didn’t understand.

A buzzing noise behind Isabella drew her attention.

Bull had left his phone. Walking near it, she could see the caller was Carol. Fearing something might be wrong with Luke, she answered. “Hello?”

“What are you doing with Bull’s phone?”

Isabella didn’t answer.

“Never mind, I’m glad you answered. Did he tell you yet?”

“Tell me what.”

“Bull and I have been talking. Luke can’t stop going on and on about his daddy. I want my little boy to be happy and I want my husband back. We’ve decided to reconcile. Bull never wanted the divorce in the first place. He can’t wait for Luke to be with him full time. We’re going to be a family again.”

Isabella learned cabs didn’t service Leakey, Texas. She was reduced to seeking out Bull’s foreman to take her to the airport. He’d been very subdued, almost cold. She wanted to ask him why, but she didn’t have the heart. As they pulled away, Isabella desperately sought one last glimpse of the man she loved. Her efforts were rewarded when he stepped out of the barn – a big, powerful, beautiful man. Their eyes locked and Isabella held his gaze until she couldn’t, but she kept his form in sight until the distance was too great to make him out.

The return flight to Mexico was much different than the one she’d made to Texas. Gone was the joy, only sorrow remained. On the way to the airport, she tried to call Renata again. When there was no answer, she phoned Renata’s parents and found them frantic. There had been no word, the authorities had been contacted, but no information was forthcoming.

Once she landed, Isabella retrieved her car from storage and left for Terra Dura. As she drove, tears began to flow. She tried to understand Bull’s decision to take Carol back. She couldn’t believe he loved his ex-wife, but she could believe he loved Luke so much that he’d endure almost anything to be with him. Isabella just wished she’d been important enough to his happiness that he would’ve wanted to keep her.

When she drove up to the ranch, things looked odd.

There was no activity.


She parked in the drive, but no one came to greet her.

She opened the door and no one came to take her bags.

“Pedro! Magdalena!”


Isabella looked out toward the barn and saw no movements, no men at work.


Seeking answers, Isabella hurried through the house, crying out when she collided with Don Luis.


She caught her heart, then gasped when she realized her only blood relative was pointing a gun at her. “What are you doing?”

Don Luis smiled and shrugged. “Ensuring you don’t leave. We seem to have a problem, Isabella.”

“Problem? I don’t understand.” A horrid thought struck her. “Is this about Renata?”

“In a way.” He moved the gun in a gesture for her to back up. “We have much to talk about. Renata, Magdalena, me, and everyone else’s survival here at the ranch depends on your cooperation.”

“What have you done?” Fear spiked through her body.

“I hate things have deteriorated to this point, but your actions have set something in motion that I can’t control.”

“You don’t mean this, you wouldn’t shoot me.” She glanced around for a phone.

“Don’t test me, Niece. I have everything to lose.”

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