Page 74 of Toro

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The suggestion infuriated Bull. “Fuck, no!” He stood up and shook his finger in Dax’s face. “And don’t you ever dare suggest that again! I would rather lose everything I have than ask Isabella for money!”

By the time lunch rolled around, he was just sick. Bull didn’t know if he’d be able to eat or not. He wracked his brain trying to figure out if there was any way in the world he could’ve prevented this. Bull couldn’t think of one, but he still felt like a fool. If he didn’t bring in revenue, he couldn’t make payroll. He’d also lose equipment if he couldn’t make his notes at the bank.

Even worse, Isabella would lose all respect for him. To see the light in her eye’s fade for him would be unbearable.

With a heavy heart, he headed to the house. When he opened the door, a whirlwind of sweet-smelling woman launched herself into his arms. “I knew you were amazing! All you need is a cape to go with that cowboy hat and you’d be a superhero!”

His mind so full of troubles, it didn’t even register with him what she was referring to. “What are you talking about?”

“You saved that baby!” She hugged him again, kissing his neck and face. “You’re my hero! My cowboy hero! I’ve always dreamed of you coming to my rescue. I know if I ever needed you, you’d be right there!”

Her words just tore Bull’s heart out. He took her shoulders in his hands and pushed her back a little roughly. “Stop it. I’m nobody’s hero. I’m a hick cowboy with broken dreams. I can’t save you. Hell, I can’t save myself. This isn’t a fantasy, Isabella. This is reality.”

Isabella gazed at him, confused. “What’s wrong?”

“You don’t belong in my world, Isabella. And I don’t belong in yours.”

His blunt words stole her breath. “That’s not true. You are my world.”

“The sex is great, but that’s just a game we’re playing.”

Isabella began to cry. “No, that’s not true. You love me.”

He said nothing, just continued to stare at her.

“Benedict, please.”

He still said nothing. Bull was dying inside, trying to hide his feelings from her was taking a toll.

“Do you want me to go?” she asked in a small voice.

“Maybe that would be best.”

She dropped her head, all the strength leaving her limbs. “I’ll be gone before you return.”

Desperation and despair ate at his soul. He had to get out of here before she looked at him again. He couldn’t bear to see the tears in her eyes.

Turning his back on her, Bull walked into the kitchen. “I’ll just get a drink of water.”

“There’s food in the stove.”

He couldn’t eat. Hell, he couldn’t breathe.

Bull stood at the sink, not enough will left to even fill a glass of water to quench his thirst. He could see Isabella’s reflection in the window, she was standing behind him, her arms wrapped around her waist as if trying to stay warm. “Don’t look at me, Isabella. This is for the best.”

He watched her slowly walk away. Hell. Bull was just about to turn on the water when his phone buzzed. Afraid it might be Dax about the horses, he pulled his cell from his pocket and checked. “Shit.” Another text from Carol. Glancing at the message, he laid the phone down. He just couldn’t deal with her BS now.


Isabella’s voice whispered behind him.

“Could I say just one thing?”

“I wish you wouldn’t.”

Isabella steeled herself to his coldness. When her parents died, there were things she hadn’t had the chance to say. Now, she vowed to never lose the opportunity to tell those she loved how she felt. “I just wanted to say thank you. We might not be together in the future, but I’ll always love you. I want to wish you every happiness and I’ll think of you. Everyday.”

Bull sat the glass down and made for the door, his boots making the only noise in an otherwise silent house. His heart was breaking. “Take care, Isabella.”

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