Page 61 of Toro

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Bull shrugged. “I don’t think Dax knew he was gay.”

“Love works in mysterious ways.” She was a firm believer in soul mates. After all, she’d found hers when she least expected it.

After Bull left, the real work began. Luke found his second wind and their nap went out the window. Nothing seemed to entertain the little boy for very long. They played GI Joe, hide and seek, watched a movie about an alien cat, and built a fort with Legos. She even mixed up some homemade playdoh and helped him shape clay animals. Soon, even all of that wasn’t enough. Isabella did her best to keep Luke busy, but quickly learned that the three-year old had a mind of his own.

“Bulls! Daddy said I could see de bulls.”

Isabella was unsure. He had mentioned it, but she didn’t want to take any risks. “How about we go see the horses instead? Doesn’t that sound like fun?”

“Yay! Horseys!”

Taking Luke by the hand, they set off. As they walked, the little boy chattered, asking question after question.

“What’s that?”

“A bird, I think it’s a hawk.”

“Look at that bug, Bella.” They stopped and admired the bug.

“If I’s not supposed to get dirty, why is der dirt on de ground?”

This one stumped Isabella for a bit. “Well, we need dirt to grow food.”

“Oh.” He kicked a rock with his tennis shoe. “I wish I had some cowboy boots like Daddy.”

“You do?” She smiled, knowing a secret. “Well, hold on.” Isabella felt in the pocket of her jeans and pulled out a penny. “Take this and we’ll throw it in the well by the barn and make a wish.”

Luke accepted the penny and raced toward the barn at full tilt, swaying and nearly falling several times. Isabella was right behind him, laughing as he giggled and squealed. When they came to the old stone well, she picked him up and let him drop the penny through the hole and into the water below. “There, we’ll wait and see if your wish comes true.” She gave him a big kiss.

“Now, the horseys!”

“Yes, boss.” Taking his hand, they entered the barn and paraded down the aisle. She swung him up in her arms so he could see each horse and stop to say hello.

“Oh, look at this one, Luke. She looks like my horse, Bonita. Are you gentle, pretty girl?”

An answering whinny gave her a pretty good idea. She sat Luke on a hay bale. “You stay right there while I saddle this horse, then you can take a ride.”

When she was finished, Isabella lifted the little tyke into the saddle. Luke was a ball of energy and she was glad the little boy relaxed when she placed him on the mare’s back. “Giddy up!”

“You are a cutie!” She headed out into the pasture, leading the mare by the reins, keeping a close eye on Luke. “Hold on tight!” she directed him. “You look just like your daddy on that horse.”

Across the way, Bull watched in the rearview mirror as he backed the truck up to align the gate of the stock trailer with the gate to the holding pen. Several of his men jumped out of their trucks to help. It had taken almost everyone to round up the wandering livestock. The wrecked rig was a total loss, but he hadn’t lost any animals. For that, he was thankful.

As he stepped down from the cab, his eye was drawn to a horse loose in the open pasture, prancing around. “Hell. Bonnie’s just wandering out there by herself!” Chasing after another stray was the last thing he wanted to do. Slapping his Stetson against his knee, he started in her direction. As he drew closer, he could see someone was leading the mare. “What the…?” Picking up his pace, he winced. His ankle was sore. What did he expect? He’d kicked the remnants of the tire that had blown on the trailer causing the truck to veer off the road and into a ditch. The whole shebang had rolled over on it’s side, skinning up a couple of the broncs. Nothing too serious, thank goodness.

“Well I’ll be.” Bull stopped in his tracks and shaded his eyes from the harsh glare of the sun. Smiling, he could see Luke sitting high in the saddle and Isabella walking beside him, one hand on the reins and the other on his little boy’s back, supporting him.

“Now, that’s a sight for sore eyes.” He couldn’t help it, he’d fallen hard for Isabella. To see the woman in his life nurturing his child made his heart glad. Luke was in his life to stay and any woman who wanted to be with Bull would have to love Luke as well.

Shaking his head, he remembered how Isabella stood up to Carol. She’d put the older woman in her place with ruthless precision. He couldn’t blame his ex for thinking she was young, he’d made the same mistake the first time he’d seen her at Terra Dura. After spending any time with her at all, no one could deny that she was smart, loyal, and breathtakingly beautiful. Isabella was the total package. Now, she was proving to be capable and caring with his son and Bull was falling deeper in love with her every day.

“Look! It’s Daddy!”

Luke spotted Bull before Isabella did.

“How’s my two favorite people?” Bull asked, falling into step with Bonnie.

Isabella studied his face, he didn’t look upset. “Would you like to take over?” She held the horse’s reins out to him.

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