Page 60 of Toro

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Isabella was falling in love for the second time.

The last names of her heartthrobs were the same, but the new Redford in question was a mite shorter than the first.

“I’ve got you. I’ve got you.” She wrestled Luke down on the bed to blow bubbles on his tummy. The giggles bursting from his lips were music to her ears.

Luke was an absolute delight.

Isabella hadn’t been around many children in her life, she hadn’t really known if she could relate to a child. After spending a few hours with him, her reticence melted away. Luke soaked up the attention they gave him like a sponge.

“What’s going on in here?” Bull asked from the door, his hands full of snacks.

“We’re playing, Daddy!” Luke announced as he squirmed out of Isabella’s arms and made a mad dash from the room, right between Bull’s legs.

“Catch him!” Isabella yelled as they both took out after him. Luke was as cute as a button, but he was also a little hell-raiser.

“Gotcha!” Bull threw his Fruit-Rollups into the air and just managed to get to Luke before he went tumbling down the stairs. “I knew I should’ve kept those damn baby gates,” he fussed when the boy was safe again.

“Give him to me.” Isabella held out her arms. “I think he’s tired.”

Luke went right to her. “I is tired.”

“Do you want to take a nap with me?” she asked the baby as he laid his head on her shoulder.


Bull was just about to suggest that he join them when his phone rang. “Dammit!”

“We’ll wait for you in the bed. I’ll tell him a story.” Isabella mouthed to Bull as he answered his phone.

“Redford.” As he listened to the caller, his ire grew. He’d made it abundantly clear that business was off the table while Luke was there, but emergencies have no respect for boundaries. “I’ll be there as soon as I can. Just try to keep them off the highway.”

“What’s wrong?” Isabella asked when she saw Bull come to the bedroom door.

“One of my rigs has wrecked over near Bastrop. No one’s hurt, but I’ve got to take another trailer over and round the stock up.”

She could see the disappointment in his eyes. This was Saturday afternoon and he didn’t want to miss a minute with his little boy. “I’m so sorry.”

“Will you two be okay while I’m gone?” He changed shirts and gathered up his keys.

“We’ll be fine. Don’t worry.”

“Are you sure?” He looked worried and frustrated.

“Yes of course. We’ll go for a walk or play games after our nap.”

“Okay. Okay. Be careful with him. If you go down around the animals, watch him. He likes to go after the bulls.”

“Like father, like son.” Isabella kissed Luke on the cheek. Bull’s words didn’t insult her, she understood his concern. Parents worry.

“I like de bulls.” Luke put his hands on his head as Bull had showed him, miming horns.

“You’re funny, bud.” Bull kissed his boy, then Isabella. “I’ll be back as soon as I can. Dax will be with me. Probably Armando too, if this is his day off.” Laughing as he went down the stairs, he placed his Stetson on his head. “I’m beginning to think we’ve got a little case of Brokeback Mountain going on here. Those two are together every chance they get.”

Isabella followed him, carrying Luke on her hip. “I didn’t know Dax was gay.”

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