Page 57 of Toro

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“Jesus, woman!” He snatched he phone from her hand. “You’d worry the horns off a billy goat!” Dialing Carol’s number, he walked off and was back in a minute. “She said they were leaving in a few minutes.” The smile on his face was unmistakable. “They’ll be here shortly. I better go put everything in the fridge.”

Isabella helped. They stayed silent again, but when another half hour had passed, she spoke-up. “This is bullshit.”

“I know. This is just Carol being Carol. All I care about is that she shows up.”

Isabella wanted to say something further, but she bit her tongue. She loved this man and it killed her to see anyone mistreat him. She knew she should stay out of it, but damn it was hard.

“Where are you going?” he asked when he saw her head upstairs.

Isabella wheeled around, one hand clutching the banister. “I thought I’d go freshen up.” She was prepared to play nice, even make herself look anything but her best for the sake of peace, but Isabella was fuming. If the former Mrs. Redford wanted to mess around and play games with Bull’s heart, Isabella would play games also.

“Please don’t.”

“I don’t know what you mean.”

He gave her a stern look. “You know exactly what I mean.”

Isabella crossed her arms over her chest. She’d purposely made herself look unattractive in front of the man who she wanted to see her as beautiful every second of the day and done it all to keep his bitch of an ex-wife happy. “Fine. But can I at least run a brush through my hair?”

“Well, I don’t think you need it, but sure. Just don’t go getting all spiffed up and putting my ex to shame like you do every other woman on the planet.”

His admiration sent a charge through her and Isabella leapt from the step she was on and into his arms. “Do we have time for a quickie?” She rubbed up against him, enjoying the heft of Bull’s thick cock in his jeans. His ex must’ve been crazy to willfully leave such a magnificent man.

The sound of gravel under tires behind them drew Bull’s attention. They both turned and peered out the front door. “Doesn’t look like it.” He placed her gently back down on the steps.

“Oh, my god,” Isabella murmured under her breath.

Bull was standing with the front door open. It didn’t matter if he heard Isabella or not, he was thinking the same thing.

Carol got out of the car and retrieved her young son from the back seat. She made her way up the front steps wearing a bright red dress that left little to the imagination up top. Her chest was plumped as high as possible. Bull knew it was all bra and he knew it was all for his benefit, but he didn’t care. All he saw was Luke as he ran up the last few steps, letting go of his mother’s hand.


Bull picked him up for a huge hug. “Hey, buddy. I missed you.” He kissed the little boy on both cheeks.

Carol didn’t bother to apologize for being late. She walked up the stairs with Luke’s backpack in her hand.

Bull took the torn pack from her. “I thought you were getting him a new one.”

Carol sneered at him. “Oh, for god’s sake, Bull, he’s only here a couple of days. I haven’t had time.” Her lipstick was almost as bright as her dress.

“Had time to get your hair cut, though, I see.”

She played with her recently trussed locks. “You like it?”

Her hair has been halfway down to her ass the last time he’d seen her at the hospital, now it was all gone, cut up to barely under her chin. Bull was now sure they’d been late this morning because it must have taken his ex-wife a few hours to put herself together like this.

“Shows off the new earrings pretty well.”

Diamonds sparkled in her ears. “Oh, these old things?”

Old things?

Apparently, she’d forgotten they’d lived together as husband and wife for several years. In a desperate attempt to win her affections, he’d bought her many expensive gifts and these earrings were not on that list. He also knew there was no way a chump like Matt Lawton could afford something so nice. It was clear to Bull, that she’d spent some of the money he’d sent for Luke on herself. He seethed, but held his tongue. Now was not the time.

Carol stepped into the house as if she still lived there. Bull didn’t care. He didn’t care about her shocking new haircut, or even the fact that she’d jerked him around for over an hour waiting on them, all he cared about was that Luke was here.

“Traffic was heavy on the way over,” Carol said over her shoulder. She stopped and took her shoes off. “We got here as soon as we could.”

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