Page 56 of Toro

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Bull’s claim had given both men a laugh. “Oh, please Redford. With that hobbly ankle and wonky back of yours, I’d probably be doing you a favor if I just put you down. Seriously, man, like I said, I’m not tryin’ to tell you what to do. I just understand what it’s like to have a rattlesnake for an ex-wife. I get the part about wanting to take care of your boy and see he has the best, but don’t forget, you and his mother broke up for a reason. Don’t let her take advantage of you.”

“It’s different than it was for you and Sabrina. You didn’t have a kid involved.”

Aron clapped him on the shoulder and the conversation was over. He’d shown his friend that he cared and more than anything, that was what mattered.

Isabella gave Bull’s arm a squeeze. “I think I’ll go change clothes.”

He squeezed her back. “All right. I’ll make breakfast.”

“Thanks.” She didn’t feel like she wanted any breakfast, her appetite was nonexistent. Isabella was excited to meet Bull’s little boy, but from what she’d learned about Carol, she wasn’t eager to meet his ex-wife.

The closer it came to time, the more nervous she became. Isabella kept checking her appearance in the mirror of the bathroom. She wanted to look okay, but nothing special. No makeup. Plain jeans and a tee. She was sure Carol would have an issue with her no matter what, so Isabella planned on being as unobtrusive as possible.

Bull was milling around at the kitchen island when she came down the steps. He looked up and smiled at her. “You look great.” He pulled her to him for a quick kiss.

Isabella smoothed her hair down, she was just wearing it straight. “I look terrible, but thank you.”

“I’d fuck you.” He gave her ass a hard slap. “Go sit down.”

Bull watched her walk. Even without makeup, she was still the most gorgeous woman he’d ever laid his eyes on.

“What’s for breakfast?”

She followed him to the kitchen and found the table set for three. Bull came to join her with a glass pitcher in his hand. “This is apple juice. Orange juice is on the way. I’m just squeezing it now.” He placed the pitcher down beside a bottle of milk.

“Lots of variety.”

“Luke can be picky about food. I just mixed-up some waffle batter. He loves waffles with fresh strawberries on top and whipped cream.”

“So, do I.” Isabella licked her lips.

“I hope you don’t mind if we wait for him to eat.”

“No, of course not.”

Bull was all smiles. He’d prepared a little waffle station on the counter. The waffle maker was plugged in with a big unopened bottle of maple syrup beside it. He’d cut up the strawberries and placed them in a glass bowl. Another bowl held fresh raspberries and another was full of cut-up bananas. The cream was fresh whipped and sat like a snow-covered mountain in the middle of all the other options.

The toaster popped and Bull went to retrieve four slices of bread he’d dropped in. “Here.” He handed her a slice. “Just a little something to tide us over. I’ve got coffee on.”

She’d been waited on back at Terra Dura, but never like this and never by a man like Bull Redford. Isabella felt like a princess.

Bull checked his watch and took a deep breath. “They should be here any minute.”

He got them both a coffee and took a seat at the kitchen table to eat his toast.

There was a nervous energy about the man and Isabella smiled at him over the rim of her cup, choosing to stay silent and let him talk if he chose to. She did her best to hide it, but Isabella kept sneaking little glances at the stove to see the time. Bull asked her how she slept last night, just polite conversation, it was clear his mind was elsewhere.

Nine-fifteen came and went, then nine-thirty.

“Traffic,” Bull said nervously. The whip cream had fallen in its bowl and the bananas were visibly brown around the edges.

When the clock on the stove hit ten, they’d already finished their second cup of coffee.

“More coffee?” Bull asked.

“Maybe you should call her.” Bull got up from the table and walked to the window. “I don’t want to bug her.” The last thing Bull wanted to do was annoy Carol and give her another reason to not show up.

“Bull. Bull! Earth to Bull.” Isabella was at his side with his phone in her hand. “Call her.” He gave her an unsure look. “Fine. I’ll call her.”

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