Page 70 of Alien Bride

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“How can I work if I have hundreds of children?” I voiced my fear with the rawness I felt in me. “Human women, we can be torn apart just having one child. Having several children can hold our work back or stop it in its tracks. Having children can cause families to spiral into poverty. It causes so many to choose not to, just because their quality of life tanks from making that choice. How can I have children?”

“You are afraid?” Aeson asked, the length of him still pulsing inside of me, filling me with a heat that sank deep into my bones. “You are afraid I cannot provide for our children and that you will not be able to fulfill the joy of your work if you have them?”

“Yes,” I replied. “I’ve never really thought having a career and children were things I could both have to the fullness of either choice.”

“I am a wonderful male.” Aeson flooded different colors through his hood. Just looking at them filled me with a sense of calm and reassurance. “I have accumulated enough wealth to provide you with anything you can desire on this little planet of yours. I am capable and can handle multiple younglings without any assistance from you. If you want a large brood, I am certain that I can ensure that only the finest males offer themselves up in challenge to you.”

“This is so different than anything I ever imagined,” I let my thoughts continue to flow through me freely, not keeping anything back. “Are you sure that is what you want? Raising a brood of children while I use your money to make my dreams come true? It seems… not realistic for a man to want that.”

“I am not a man.” Aeson punctuated his statement with a light thrust that sent my mind careering away for a moment as the sensation of him moving inside of me took away my capacity for thought. “I am an Atisari male, and if I didn’t want such a life, I wouldn’t have actively sought out a human mate.”

He thrust again.

The pleasure spiked again, but this time I couldn’t do it. I needed to breathe deeply, to feel my body without the intense sensation of him filling me up and splitting me open.

“No more,” I groaned. “Please, it is too much.”

“Let me take care of you,” Aeson murmured as he slowly, inch by inch, pulled his length out of me, leaving me feeling boneless, empty, and utterly satiated. When it got out, a stream of liquid gushed out of me.

“We need a towel.” I reached my hands down there only to find Aeson sliding his tail between my legs, pressing it against my opening.

“I will take care of everything.” Aeson stroked my hair and then began to move, lowering us down. “I will clean us both and handle anything that needs to be done. Let me take care of you.”

“Okay.” I relaxed in his grip and let him cart me through the house like I was riding on a bed of undulating pillows. When he slid into the pool, and the hot water surrounded my body like a blanket, I couldn’t keep my mouth shut. “We should have washed before we got in the pool.”

“I modified the pool with a better cleaning and heating cycle,” Aeson chuckled as his tail relaxed its grip around me with the exception of supporting under me to keep me afloat.. “Your human construction is inefficient at dealing with Atisari needs.”

“Well, if that is the case maybe I’ll just soak in here when I’m on my period.” I rolled off of his tail and sunk into the water, allowing it to swirl up around my head before popping back up, pushing the hair back from my face.

Aeson’s hood had lowered and he was staring at me.

“What?” I asked.

“You weren’t pleased earlier when you realized there were changes you weren’t expecting,” Aeson stated.

“Well, yes, but that isn’t your fault.” I shrugged. “I had the time and the opportunity to learn, and you definitely seemed to think I knew what was going on.”

“I did.” Aeson was still hesitating about something.

“Just say it,” I replied.

“You aren’t going to have a period anymore,” Aeson replied. “The nutrients from my mating shaft will provide what is needed, and regular matings will remove any excess that isn’t being used.”

“Oh no, that is quite enough.” I shook my head. “You stop right there. I’m going to look all this up later on my own. Right now, I want to focus on the fact that my body feels like a limp noodle that has been massaged into oblivion.” I moved towards him in the water as he turned around me in a circle, the movements of his body causing ripples that lapped up against my breasts.

When I reached him, I reached my arms out and he sank down deeper into the water, wrapping his arms around my waist as I rested my cheek against his chest, enjoying the heat from his body, the sensation of the water shifting around me, and the light tickle from the tip of his tail as he dragged it against the bottom of my foot.

“This is a good thing,” I sighed in his arms. Then I lifted my face a way and looked up at him, feeling a vulnerable tenderness inside of me, the sensation of wanting this so much, wanting all of this, wanting all of him and everything he had to offer - and yet still not fully believing that it all could be true.

There was a terrible, scared part of me that couldn’t believe it.

A part of me that was waiting for the shoe to drop, for him to laugh in my face and tell me that I was a fool for trusting him.

I was waiting for him to cut my heart out and leave me standing there holding the knife.

“Tell me this is a good thing,” I whispered as I looked into his eyes.

“I have been wanting you all of my life,” he replied, the warmth of his gaze holding me captivated, even as his hood flared out and filled his words with a backdrop of color. “This is not just a good thing. You are the one I have waited to find and I will give you anything and everything your heart desires.”

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