Page 69 of Alien Bride

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He let out a guttural groan that was accompanied by a full body vibration, and that was it. I came, hard, with a scream that tore through my body as I clenched my eyes shut as my body spasmed around the length I was impaled upon. Stars exploded behind my eyes, and nothing existed but a warm white light that bathed my entire being in the kind of peace that can only be found in the wake of intense physicality.

Aeson let out a snarl and then there was a heat inside of me, filling me, as pulses moved like waves along the massive length inside of me.

“So good,” he groaned. “I didn’t know it could be so good.”

I floated in a sea of comfort.

Aeson squeezed and released, compressing and massaging my body in waves as he remained firmly, deeply, inside of me.

“What, have I made your past lays pale in comparison?” I asked, my voice returning to me as I took shallow breaths. There was so much of him in me I couldn’t expand my lungs all the way.

“There are no past lovers,” he murmured, his hand reaching up to stroke my hair, resting on my cheek as he gazed into my eyes. “There will be no future ones either. There is only you.”

“There is only…” I paused in speaking for a moment as he grunted and gave another little thrust, waves of pleasure following the pulses running along his buried length. “Only me?”

“Only you,” he repeated.

“I feel so full.” I rubbed my cheek into his hand. “Why do I feel so good?”

“I have saturated you with nutrients,” he replied. “They will infuse your body and ready you to begin our clutch.”

I lifted my head and looked down my belly, which was slightly distended with the shape of his length.

“You keep saying clutch,” I replied. “You know humans have babies.”

“Humans mated to Atisari lay a clutch,” he murmured. “One egg at a time, each must be captured by the first male and then reimplanted to be fertilized by male that you choose.”

“Woah, wait, what?” I asked.

Another rumble washed through our joined bodies and the small tension that had filled my body melted away.

“Do not worry, my mate,” Aeson offered a soothing tone. “Your eagerness will have a reward. I have captured your ovum and when the egg is ready, I will use my mating rod to implant it in you where I will fertilize it and it will gestate until it is ready to survive in the nest on its own.”

“Oh, sex education is a really important part of relationships, now isn’t it?” I eyed him, my eyes wide. “This must be what it feels like to get married coming out of some sort of ignorance enforced purity culture.”

“Your words are hard for me to understand.” Aeson stroked my cheek again. “Can you say that in a different way?”

“I didn’t know I would be laying eggs,” I replied, a weird feeling in my chest growing with each piece of new information. I had plenty of time to look up details about Atisari matings. I had loads of time to talk to my husband in detail about it, and yet, now was when I was finally getting into that, now that I was fully speared upon his ‘mating’ member. “And when you said I wouldn’t be getting pregnant right now, I didn’t understand that meant that you would be… capturing my ovum?”

Aeson’s smile spread across his face and he spread his hood wide to frame his brilliant expression with a dazzling display of color.

“It is joyous, is it not?” he asked, the pride radiating from his voice. “I have heard that human to human breeding causes damage to the female’s body and drains them of their physical resources. This process is much gentler on your body. Human-Astari matings are able to lay hundreds of eggs without any difficulty. Humans produce so many!”

“Hundreds?” I squeeked. “Hundreds of babies?”

“We will need a great many males in your harem,” Aeson nodded. “There will be a great many logistics to handle if you wish to have that many, but I can handle it. Harems led by a human female with an Astari first male are in great demand among many species.”

“Stop.” I put my hands up. “Please stop talking.”

Aeson fell silent for a moment and just looked at me.

I still felt so relaxed, so at peace, yet my body and my brain were not in the same place. Aeson’s revelations had startled me so much I could barely process them.

“I…” I took a deep breath. “I want to work.”

“Yes, your work will be brilliant,” Aeson agreed.

Every time I said something, it felt like he heard something different.

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