Page 63 of Alien Bride

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“Once I was accepted into the Mated Marriage program, I received permission to begin preparing a nest on Earth.” I smiled as I watched her face and the awe on it as she looked around at the comfortably sized space in front of us.

“I thought our nest was going to be on the moon,” she gasped. “This is so much better. The moon is a nice place to visit, or have a studio, but this…. I can throw a serious party here.”

I glanced at her as surprise washed over me.

I hadn’t expected her to change her mind on additional males so soon. But if she wanted to host a mate selection party…

“I have several people in mind,” I offered.

“Of course, you should invite anyone you want.” Jessica reached out to squeeze my hand. “We are such a great power couple for this. Everyone is going to want to meet you. I bet I can make this a serious red carpet event. Real cream of the crop attendees.”

She turned to look back at the sprawling property in front of us.

“It’s so perfect.” She clasped her hands together. “Do you seriously own this?”

“We,” I replied.

The property was a strange example of the human wealth divide. Nestled into the middle of the city that Jessica had come from, it was completely private, even from the street that curved around the front, huge bushes disguising everything behind them with carefully sliced sides that shaped them into a wall made out of cylinders. In front of the bushes was a tall wall. There were two entries from the street, the main one and a second, more discreet one I wasn’t sure what it was for.

The entry path made a circle in front of the house before exiting the same way.

There was a large separate building that was sunk down deep into the ground where it expanded. It was cement and completely empty, with lines on the ground that offered spaces for at least twenty human ground vehicles.

We were in the backyard, as my mate put it, which was a flat green space filled with a uniform grass that stretched out for a sizable distance, before dipping into a stream that appeared to run through our nest property and the ones on either side.

“Who knew this kind of space existed in the middle of LA!” Jessica exclaimed. “I mean, I knew there were mansions, but this is like so close to everything. How does anyone have a backyard this size? I could plant a small farm here. Oh, we are so hiring a full time homesteader and turning this into something muuuuuuuch better. At least a section of it. We’ll keep a part of the lawn, especially the part next to the pool.”

She let out a squeal.

“Tell me the house has its own theater? It has to, look at this thing!” She whirled and rushed in through the open air food preparation and dining area which was structured with a white marble, running her hands over the attractive counters before vanishing into the house. “The doors open all the way to the outside! They do it in the living room too! Oh my god, there are two kitchens. This place literally has a servants’ kitchen.”

I followed after her voice, stopping in place as she popped out of one of the connecting side hallways and appeared in front of me.

“I don’t know how I feel about servants.” She planted her hands on her hips.

“You will not need to hire them unless you wish to provide employment of such to others.” I smiled. It was clear she was not aware of the full benefits of having a nest full of mates dedicated towards helping her create her dreams. She was not going to have to lift a finger to do a single thing she didn’t actively want to do.

Jessica grinned and then whirled, rushing back through the house.

I followed her at a sedate pace. The open air option of this house and the wide hallways were ideal for my body. I had also made some modifications to make it more comfortable for myself, but it already had most of the things I desired.

Hopefully they were the things my mate loved as well.

She popped out of another room, crossed the hallway in front of me and rushed into another. I waited as she pingponged back and forth across one of the sections of the house that held living quarters. There was another one on the other side of the indoor atrium that part of the pool was inside of, passing under a clear windowed wall to create an indoor and outdoor body of water.

When she went through the large set of doors at the back of the house and entered the large suite I had set aside for her, I followed after her, having to stop suddenly to not run into her as she skidded to a halt, pressing both her hands to her heart.

“This is…” She turned to look at me. “I never, ever in a thousand years thought I would ever say this, but this is too much. I don’t need a house this extravagant. There are so many people who could use this home. You could fit so many families in here, it isn’t… I don’t feel right. I mean, actually it feels really right in some ways, but in others, I don’t know.”

“You can have as many people as you want live in your nest,” I offered gently, moving around her to slide next to the nest I had installed. I modified it from what my species preferred, using materials that I had read were more preferred by human women. I had added a large variety of colors and fabrics, piling them around on the custom made mattress I had sunk into the floor. There were climbing branches all over the ceiling of this room that had required a great deal of reinforcement. “It would mean a great deal to me if you accept this nest.”

A lot of the house required structural reinforcement. It was a lot of work to prepare it for my mate and to be suitable for my bulk, and I hoped she wouldn’t reject it.

I was willing to do the work to set up a new nest of course if she didn’t like this one.

But I liked this one.

She stepped closer to me and my attention snapped to her as she placed her hand lightly on my abdomen. I flexed, giving her hard ridges to run her fingers over as she gently dragged them downwards, pulling her hand back before she brushed the edges of my slit.

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