Page 62 of Alien Bride

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We whipped along the great wall, our passage eliciting gasps and small shrieks from people as we careened past them. The wind was rushing through my hair. Aeson’s body was powerful between my legs, stroking me with the movement, and the heat of my arousal started to grow into a supernova. My husband was strong, he was powerful, and I could ride him like a pony.

I started laughing wildly, and the sound of my laughter caused a reduction in the shrieking as we passed. My laughter seemed to be a balm that caught their attention, causing them to pause, to look, to observe instead of immediately falling into a state of instinctual panic at the large snake-like creature rushing past them.

As we continued, despite my fun and laughter, I realized there was a serious problem.

I was getting way too turned on.

Riding him like this, feeling him move between my legs, pressing up against him… I could easily get off from this if it went on for too long, and even though I loved it, I was one hundred percent against forcing people to be involved in my sexual kink by doing it where they could see it.

Even if they couldn’t really see anything.

“Aeson, Aeson!” I laughed out. “Stop!”

He slowed to a stop near a crowd of people who all immediately lifted their phones and began taking pictures of us.

“Are you alright?” he asked, twisting slightly to look back at me, the movement causing another glorious rub that had me biting back a moan. “What is the matter?”

His tongue flicked out on the air and his eyes widened, a grin spreading across his face.

I reached up and lifted up so I could whisper. Instead of standing, he lifted the part of the tail I was straddling, causing me to slide a little.

“That looks like fun,” a woman in a large group of women said loudly.

“I’d rather go somewhere more private.” I gave him a look, where I slightly widened and tensed my eyes and ducked my chin a little to emphasize. “This is too public for me to be riding on your back like this.”

“Straight to the moon or do you have another place in mind?” he asked, shifting his body again to roll me slightly on him.

I bit my lip hard.

I would not moan in public.

I saw the flash of a camera out of the corner of my eye. Oh, this was going to be all over the socials in about two seconds flat. First the dicks pics, then the actress wantonly rubbing herself all over the Naga’s body.

“Aeson!” I hissed. “Anywhere!”

“Back to the ship!” he crooned.

Instead of letting me down, he took off again back towards where we parked. I let out a squeal and wrapped my arms around his waist, pressing my face against his back to try to block my face from anyone we might pass.

He had made it worse.

He had changed his movement. Instead of optimizing for speed, he was exaggerating the sway of his tail, including slight up and down motion that rolled between my legs, lifting me and sliding me down.

“Aeson!” I moaned, my lips pressing against the firm muscles of his back.

His only response was a chuckle.

I squeezed my legs tighter.

The peak of my enjoyment was just there, just out of reach, and I was riding high ready to reach it when suddenly Aeson went over the edge, carrying me down to the ground on one side of the wall where we had left the ship.

“I have a surprise for you,” he rumbled, sending a vibration through his entire body.

[ 26 ]


“When did you have time to do this?” my mate gasped as she wandered out into the backyard nest. I had parked the ship in a spot so that when she walked out, she would see the full scope of what I had prepared.

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