Page 46 of Alien Bride

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“Spill it,” I demanded.

“Oh, well, his species, when they want to be accepted by a female of their species, they ask for her permission to prove themselves. If she gives the go ahead, he has to fight all the other males in her harem, or, if she hasn’t chosen her first male yet, all the other first male contenders.” Caley grinned as she spoke, as if she was enjoying the idea. “The female then decides afterwards if she wants to accept him.”

“How does she communicate that?” I demand. “Is she all like ‘I choose you, Pikachu’ or is there some other traditional signal?”

“I think she chokes him?” Caley taps her chin. “But you already did that.”

“Well, I guess I need to do it again,” I replied.

“You should still talk it out first,” Caley pointed out. “The only way to be sure about what is going on in another person’s head is to ask. Even more so if their head comes from a completely different culture with different assumptions and social norms than yours.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I waved my hand at her. “Or I could jump on his back and choke him.”

“Well, I guess you wouldn’t be able to do that unless he let you,” Caley sighed.

“Don’t bet on that.” I grinned.

“Jessica!” Caley laughed. “You’re not going to fight an alien that likely weighs more than a car thinking that you’re going to sexually assault him. Be serious right now.”

“I wish I could be seriously boned right now,” I sighed.

“I think your masturbation idea was a good one.” She shook her head at me. “At least you would work this energy out. You need to take care of yourself so that you can have a productive talk.”

“Decision made then,” I said. “Instead of teasing, I’ll do it for my own emotional wellbeing.”

“Ok, well, let me know how it goes,” Caley said.

“I’m an expert at it.” I grinned. “I can promise it will go very well.”

“You’re ridiculous.” Caley rolled her eyes. “I meant the talk with Aeson. The serious talk where you tell him how you are feeling and ask him how he is feeling and come to a mutual understanding of where each other is.”

“Yeah, sure.” I shook my head. “He’s avoided me for two days now. It’s not like I can make him come back here and talk to me.”

“Have you tried texting him or calling him?” Caley asked.

I looked at her, stunned.

“You haven’t tried to talk to him at all?” Caley asked.

“His contact is on this thing, isn’t it?” I asked.

“Yeah, he’s your husband, and the wristband is part of the whole thing to make sure you are safe and can communicate easily,” Caley said. “Of course his contact is already in your wristband.”

I winced. I’d sent him my medical instructions, the ones I still hadn’t read through, and I’d forgotten that I could just call him.

“I’ll talk to you later.” I needed to call him. “Bye!”

“Bye!” Caley’s face vanished as I hit the end call button.

Then I found Aeson’s contact.

It had snake emojis next to his name. When I opened up the contact, it had a photo of him from our wedding day, the flowering archway in the background.

I called him.

The call ended with only one ring.

My heart fell, sinking down into my gut with the weight of my disappointment. Why would he talk to me on the phone if he was avoiding me? Of course he didn’t pick up, he-

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