Page 45 of Alien Bride

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“I thought maybe if I put it all on display it would turn him on so much that he came in here and made good on our marriage,” I sighed.

“Or he could hit it and quit it,” Caley said. “Like, I know the guys that are in this program are vetted heavily by the Norratar, but they aren’t humans and they don’t have human values. Heck, even human men don’t have human values half the time. If he is considering ending the marriage, you probably shouldn’t try to have sex with him. That’s the sort of thing you need to talk about before doing the deed. It would be a lot worse to separate after… especially cause Atisari… you know.”

“I don’t know, Caley.” I gave her a stern look. “I didn’t even know Atisari existed until Aeson.”

“Oh, right, so,” she blushed, “their… you know… parts… can modify human bodies.”

“Wait. What? CALEY!” I shouted. “His dick can literally change me? Honey, maybe you need to go on some meds or something. This kind of stuff is important.”

“I’ll promise I’ll do better,” Caley pleaded. “I have a whole team now that are putting together information packets on the different species to give to the brides before marriage. I won’t have to remember to tell everyone everything, it will all be written down. Please don’t be mad.”

I covered my face with my free hand.

“Fine,” I stated. “I’m not mad, but seriously, you tell me everything right now and if you have another ‘whoops, I forgot to tell you’ moment, I swear I’m going to give you a bad public review and scare everyone away from signing up.”

“So Atisari have two… dongs…” Caley started.

“Dongs,” I muttered. “Why not just call them joysticks or heat seeking missiles.”

“I mean, I can if you think…” Caley followed my muttered digression.

“Back on topic, Caley,” I commanded. “What are his double dose of tallywackers going to do to me if I succeed at my seduce my husband plan?”

“Well, so the Atisari can excrete an elixir that does stuff to humans,” Caley rushed through her words. “Good stuff, not bad stuff.”

“What kind of stuff, Caley!” I just about growled at her, I was so impatient. “Just spit it out already.”

“So you can fit the top one!” Caley said. “They basically modify your body so you’re both tougher and more flexible. I mean, weren’t you worried that he was too big?”

“Women get baby heads through there all the time,” I shrugged. “I figured it would take some work but it would be doable. I can’t say I wasn’t a little concerned, but when the heck am I going to get another chance to ride a monster like that? Plus he is really good at giving head, so if it didn’t work out, I figured we could at least have a good run with that. Not all sex is about a little pecker poking.”

“It doesn’t ever feel like a little poke.” Caley blushed even deeper after her own words.

“What are the long term consequences of the body modification?” I asked.

“Oh, I don’t know,” Caley replied.

“You don’t know,” I repeated.

“I’ll find out,” Caley rushed to say. “Though you can just ask Aeson as well. His species has mated with humans for some time so he should know. Plus the Norratar didn’t seem worried about his species and they banned a few from joining the program.”

“Who did they ban?” I asked.

“One species specifically has written into their laws that humans are property and don’t have any rights.” Caley frowned as she said it. “They were involved with the trafficking on the planet before the Norratar got here. They’ve been banned entirely. Also any species that doesn’t relinquish authority over their citizens to the Norratar in cases of a dispute with the human mates. The legal body of the species has to agree to respect the mate contracts and subsequent laws before their members are allowed to even apply.”

“What do the Norratar get out of all of this?” I asked. “This is a lot of bureaucracy.”

“There is a huge application fee for the aliens for them to even start going through the vetting process.” Caley fidgeted. “And if they get in and if they get matched with their mate, they are supposed to invest in infrastructure to benefit Earth’s interstellar economy.”

“Hm.” I tapped on my chin with my finger. “Well, that explains the whole honeymoon suite on the moon.”

“Yes,” Caley nodded.

I sighed in the brief silence in our conversation. Caley didn’t offer anything in that moment. She was the kind of friend who could sit silent on a phone for extended periods of time without needed to add sound to it. She was just happy to be there in any way she could be.

“I’m going to stay here and wait for Aeson to be ready to talk to me,” I finalized my decision. “I know he is avoiding me now, and I can’t fully trust my own judgment because he is an alien and all, but everything he has done so far indicates that he is a kind and generous male who has my best interests in mind. I mean, he took me to the doctor but then he did this whole fight display thing that was super hot. Would he have done that if he was going to break things off right away?”

“He did a ceremonial mating rights fight for you?” Caley asked.

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