Page 40 of Alien Bride

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Aeson was acting weird.

Not that I was certain what was normal for a giant alien Naga. But at the same time, he seemed extremely subdued when he lowered himself from what I was calling the cockpit of his ship, opened the doorway, and picked up my bag.

I walked down the ramp and through a small white corridor that had ridges along the sides that reminded me of the tube that comes out of an airport to connect to the door of an airplane. I stepped through the archway at the end of the corridor and was greeted by a large circular room the size of a high school gym. The room itself was empty of most furnishing, with the exception of some human sized armchairs sitting near one of the sides.

What caught my attention was the windows.

Windows was an uninspiring word for what made up the walls and ceiling of the room. It was all see through glass, so clear that it felt like I was standing in an open air room - except I couldn’t be because there wasn’t any air outside. Outside was the grey mottled surface of the moon. Up above my head in crystal clear detail was the blue and green ball that took my breath away.

I could look up and gaze at the Earth.

I took a deep breath, feeling the enormity of the moment. There was my home, a fragile, gorgeous planet floating in the backdrop of space, the only thing keeping the billions of humans living on its surface safe being a thin layer of atmospheric pressure.

Our planet, our existence on the surface, was so incredibly vulnerable.

I couldn’t handle the swelling of emotion in my heart.

“So is this where we are sleeping?” I choked out, trying to distract my own mind as I looked back around the huge room and its lack of, well, anything.

“No,” Aeson replied. “This is one of the common areas for the honeymoon suites. I have left it mostly empty as I am hoping that you will provide the creative direction for its adornment.”

“You want me to do interior design?” I asked. “And what do you mean by common areas?”

“It is just us here now,” Aeson added. “But with your input, I wish to turn this into an all service honeymoon destination for Matched Mates… as well as for human couples that pass through verification checks and have access to space flight.”

“Who exactly is on that list currently?” I asked.

“Currently those employed by the Norratar Empress would be there,” he said.

I pressed my lips and looked around the empty room again.

“I hate to disappoint you, but interior design is not my thing.” I put my hands on my hips. “I would use this room as a film studio if I had more control over the backdrop and lighting.”

Aeson tapped on his wrist unit and the entire ceiling and walls went opaque, cutting off the view to the outside with the light beige walls I’d associated with his spacecraft.

“It can be anything you wish,” he commented. “You have full access on your unit to modify the appearance and transparency of the walls. If you want this to be your film studio, then that is what it should be.”

I frowned.

“But what about your whole business plan?” I demanded.

“I’ve already started work on another structure.” He tapped on his wrist to turn the walls transparent again. “Look over there.”

He pointed behind me.

I turned around and a little ways across the lunar surface was a spidery looking metal structure that was hovering over the ground, a strand of something pouring out of one of its legs that it had held up above the ground. It shifted slowly, moving as it poured.

“Oh,” was all I could think to say. “Alright then.”

Did he just give me my own film studio?

On the moon?

My preconceived notions of what this relationship was going to be were unable to keep up with him casually throwing around the use of entire buildings like it was nothing to him. That and the fact he had built this honeymoon facility. I thought I had misheard him when he mentioned that the first time, that this was something the Norratar had put together and he had just reserved it or something.

No, he built it.

In anticipation of being mated to me.

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