Page 19 of Foresworn Oath

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Reaching around her, I twist the knobs, and the water starts with a splutter, splashing out before turning into a steady stream. I grab some fluffy black towels from the closet and give the shower a minute to heat before reaching for Trinity. Although I’m not sure if she wants me here, or wants me to touch her ever again, I can’t stay away. Plus, it doesn’t seem like she has enough strength to wash herself right now.

Yeah, really chivalrous, aren’t you?

“Do you want me to help you take my cut off? Or do you want to do it yourself?” I ask, hoping she’ll lean on me. She continues to stare at the wall, shrugging her shoulders and sending the leather slipping to the floor. Okay then…

But hope swells in my chest when she lets me help her into the shower and doesn’t object when I drop my jeans onto the tiles and climb in after her. Steam billows around us, and I snag a bar of soap from the lip of the bathtub, rubbing it between my palms until bubbles break out.

She jumps with a gasp when I run it over her shoulders. “Easy babe. I’m going to clean it all away.”

The promise settles her, and her breathing slows. Her shoulders lose their tension, and the water turns red as the water and soap do their job. I wash her gently, careful not to fuck up her partial tattoo or linger too long on the purple bruises forming all over her once smooth skin. Fingermarks mar her neck, her thighs, and her arms, and I wonder how many of them are marks I made.

I promised to kill anyone who touched her…

“Wolf’s gonna pay for this,” I vow, watching the swirling scarlet water go down the drain. She grunts in acknowledgment, and I quickly wash myself before squirting shampoo into my hands. Her long hair is matted as fuck, and I wish I had more shit for her here. “All I’ve got is shampoo. Not sure it’s gonna help.”

She shrugs again, still not saying a word as I lather her long, blond tresses, wishing I knew how to care for her better. Wishing I could be the man she needs.

“You ever gonna talk to me again, Trin?” I grunt, frustration making it snappier than I intended. She looks at me with sad eyes but still doesn’t reply. Grabbing the handheld shower head, I rinse the bubbles from her hair and check her over to make sure she’s clean. Even bruised and damaged, she’s still the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. My cock twitches as my gaze lingers on her round, high tits, with nipples I so badly want to taste even though I’ve just fucked her.

Down, boy. Not the time.

Finishing quickly, I turn off the shower and hold out a towel, which she quickly steps into, and I wrap it tightly around her before throwing one around my waist.

“Come on, let’s lay down for a little while.” I help her out of the room, making sure she doesn’t slip, and lead her over to my bed before turning to grab some sweats from the dresser for her. By the time I turn back around, she’s curled under the blankets, her eyes drooping with exhaustion.

“Love you forever,” I lean down, touching my lips to her forehead. She reaches up and runs her fingers over my head before uttering the sweetest words I’ve ever heard.

“Love you for always.”

My eyes tear up as she presses a chaste kiss to my lips before snuggling under the blankets and closing her eyes. Relief rushes through me, along with the certainty that we can get through this together. She’s mine; even if it takes some time, our love will conquer all. I’m sure of it.

Her breathing evens out when there’s a soft rap on the door. Sliding into a pair of sweatpants, I pad over to open it quickly before anything can wake Trinity. My fingers close over the knob, twisting it as noiselessly as possible. It opens to reveal Tomb on the other side.

The giant stone statue of a man stands with his arms crossed and an eyebrow quirked at me in question.

“I think she’s going to be all right,” I breathe out, stepping into the hallway and closing the door behind me.

“Good,” he grunts. “We have work to do.”

Fuck it all. He’s right. So, like a sullen child, I follow him down the hallway. Bruised in body, mind, and spirit—but all the strength that my father beat into me is good for something.

I don’t complain—and get to work.

“Ugh, everything hurts,” I moan to Prick as we climb up the stairs toward our rooms. The corpses have been taken care of, and the old Church table has flames turning it to ash in the courtyard. All the shit furniture and Demon Breakers cuts were tossed on the pyre, too.

Watching the final remnants of Pirates burn to dust left me with a deep satisfaction and a sense of new beginnings.

After everything was cleaned, we dealt with club business. Choosing some positions, making decisions about our businesses—legal, and not so legal. We have a way to go, but it’s a solid start.

“Me too, man. But be sure to have Doc check on that bullet wound tomorrow. And remind me to give you some salve for Trinity’s tattoo—I feel like shit about it. Don’t want it getting infected, too.”

“Not your fault, Prick. It’s mine. But I’ll definitely have you make sure it’s all right. Hopin’ one day, she lets you finish it,” I reply. He lifts his chin in acknowledgment before disappearing into his darkened room.

My door looms closer, and I can’t wait to drop into bed next to my girl’s warm body. We’ve never gotten to sleep the entire night together, so this’ll be a first. Excitement slides down my spine. Today has been absolute shit, but tomorrow is so much brighter. The club’s at my back, and for once, I’m not worried that someone’s going to stick a knife in it. Most of the bad seeds left with Wolf, and the few that I’m unsure of we’ll keep a close eye on. Me and my brothers.

The Oathsworn MC.

Twisting the knob, I’m surprised when it isn’t locked. Shit, probably should have done that…

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